~Chapter six~

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~~~~~Third person's pov(Flash back)~~~~~

The once happy and joyful home, is now linger with the dead.

" F-Father, A-Anna..g-get her o-out of here," A man in his early twenties said to the older man.

The young man and his wife were ambush by some organization, end up killing both of his and his wife's lives.

A man, who appears to be in his late thirties , dressed in the military uniform approached the cradle and found the baby girl.

He brought the little girl to his chest and craddle her in his arms.

Before he step out of the house, he take one last glance look to his deceased son and his wife. before leaving with his infant granddaughter in his arms.

" Don't worry, little one, I'm here now, Grandpa will keep you from all harm," He whispered into the young child's ear.

~~~~~Anna's pov(Present time)~~~~~~

I walk through the halls of the military headquarters. I've seen some of the soldiers in their break time.

' Surely, Grandpa is in his break time,' I thought and went to the office of the captain of the elite team.

I knock on the door. waiting for a respones.

I heard a very low come in. I opened the door and revealed a older man, his hair was quite a mess.

" Anna?!, I didn't know you would come here?," He exclaimed and stood from his seat.

" Fukuzawa-san told me to hand this to you," I said and present the parchment.

" I see," He said. accepting it, " Do you mind staying for a while?, it has been a year since I haven't seen you," He said.

' How could I ever refuse?,' I thought.

~~~~~Third person's pov~~~~~

" so, how are you, sweetheart?," Fukuchi ouchi asked his twelve year old granddaughter.

" Fine, but I miss you guys, not the same without you guys," She said, twirling her hair in her finger.

" Oh!, did you send Tachihara to infiltrate the port mafia?," She asked.

" Yes, why?," He asked, placing down the cup of tea.

" Nothing, just had a feeling," She said.

" I should go back now, or else the others would suspect me, why I've return so late," Anna grab her fluffy robe and drape it over.

" I see, you have responsibilities now, not like when you were still little, when you would ask me to do everything for you," Fukuchi chuckled and let her lean into his chest.

" I'll always need you, Grandpa, I-I'm not ready to go to the outside world," Anna let out small drops of tears, slide down her cheek.

" I don't want this mission to go on any further, I want to live here again!," She let out an upset sighed.

" Just a little more, just a little more and you can come back," He said, before letting her go.

The girl pull her hood over her head and walked out of the office with teary eyes.

' Just a little bit more, and this whole mission is over,' She thought.

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