~Chapter nine~

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~~~~~Third person's pov~~~~~

" so, you're saying this foregin organization is going to sell the agency?," Anna asked. Kunikida nodded.

" and the mafia is trying to get rid of the agency?," She asked. Expecting the same respone.

' damn, Why does this agency have a lot of enemies?,' She thought.

" Did the director say anything to us?," She asked.

Before Kunikida could respone. The line phone of the agency on his desk rang.

" director?,"

" Gather all of the detectives here in bangkoudo hall, leave the office now,"

" the hall that exist before you found the agency, sir?,"

" not much know about that location,"

Fukuzawa stopped his tracks and saw assassins, surronding him.

" Director?,"

" Director?,"

" Kunikida, what's wrong?," Anna asked.

" the director just disconnected," Kunikida said.

The door of the agency close and entered Atsushi carrying mail boxes.

" What's wrong?, Anna-chan, Kunikida-san," Atsushi asked.

" Director and Kunikida were having a call for some reason, they're discussion just ended," Anna said.

" Then we must go after him!," Atsushi exclaimed.

" It's alright, Director is fine," Kunikida said. Continue working on his laptop.

" How do you know that!?," Atsushi asked.

The older male sighed.

" Grab my wrist, you'll understand soon," Kunikida ordered.

Atsushi attempted to grab his wrist. Ends up being flip over.

Anna's eyes widened at the sight. Seeing a very familiar form of the throwing technique.

' I swear. I saw Grandpa do that trick too,' She thought.

" com'on we have to leave the office," Kunikida said. We nodded and exited the office.

" I've heard that the little witch from the agency is thr strongest aside from their director," Francis said.

" little witch??" John asked.

" Just her codename, She just joined the agency a year ago according to the records," Francis said. Shooting his gun towards the city.

" I'll have her, her ability could bring such fortune to the guild,"

" As well as that city,"

~~~~~Anna's pov~~~~~

All of the detectives were at the hall already. We heard the door closed. It echo the hall.

" The guild is going to make the agency fall, the port mafia is trying to get rid of us," Fukuzawa entered the hall.

" we're going to have to protect ourselves from those organization," He said.

" Dazai, would you explained the plan?," The younger male nodded.

" since the mafia has an advantage because they have thousands of men," Dazai said.

" while the guild is a small organization but they are strategic, were going to have to be split into two teams," Dazai said.

" the defence, consist of Kenji, Ranpo-san, Director, Tanizaki and mainly Yosano-san since her ability saves a member close to their death bed," He said.

" In the offense, Me, Atsushi, Kunikida, and mainly Anna-chan since her ability is the best for the offense on field," He said.

" we're going to have to do our best if we want this organization to survive," Fukuzawa sternly said.

" Boss, it failed," Chuuya glance to all of the defeated assassins.

" it's alright it was already obvious, isn't it?," Mori said through the phone.

" the mark that Fukuzawa-dono place on one of the assassins pin the location where is agency is," Mori said.

" of course, Boss," Flipped back his phone.

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