~chapter one~

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~~~Third person's pov~~~

A young boy, at the age in his late teens ran from the street, away from the so-called hell of a home.

' Where do I go from here?!,' He thought and gaze to the street mirror, gasping in horror seeing the reflection of the blue tiger.

" Why were you born!?, when you haven't save anyone!" Hearing the words of the head of the orphanage ringing in his head. like a broken record.

The young boy screamed in agony as he wants to let go of those horrible memories.

when he heard the sound of a crow.

His teared face glance to the crow, he landed in on of the tree branches.

He decided to ignored it and continue his search of a place to stay at least.

Upon his search, he saw a man at the edge of a cliff, seeming to commit suicide. Atsushi's immediate action was to catch him before he jumps.

They both fall down to the ground, unknowing the crow was watching them all along.

' Two idiots in one night, can't be better than this,' The bird sighed and flew down. transforming to the form of a twelve year old girl. holding up her hood.

she poked the unconsious boy and the bandage man, whom she started to get annoyed at.

" Oi, Wake up," She said, smacking their faces gently.

Atsushi woke up and saw the white haired girl, seeing a frown on her face seem to be frightening.

" Miss, what are you here for?," He asked.

" Oh me?, I'm here to get this guy back to the agency," She said, grabbing the bandage man's arm.

" Am I in heaven?," The suicidal maniac is finally awake.

" Kunikida-san is gonna get angry if we don't get you back to the agency, Dazai-san," Anna said.

" Wait!, Was it you who interrupted my beautiful chance of dying!?," Dazai asked the young girl.

" No, it's him," Anna pointed to the young boy.

" YOU!, you ruined my chance to happily dying!," Dazai said and grabbed hold of the front of his shirt.

" Oi!, There you are, you two!," A tall man, with long blonde hair came running picking up Dazai.

" Whose he?," Kunikida asked.

" I don't know, he just seem to be at lost," Anna said bluntly. Atsushi was beyond shocked how she knew this.

" H-How di-"

" The crow you saw earlier?, That was me the whole time," Anna smirked to the boy who had his mouth dropped.

" Anyway!, let's get some food, I'm hungry!," Anna whined.

" Didn't you just ate earlier?," Kunikida asked.

" Yeah!, buy us lunch, Kunikida-kun," Dazai too went along with it.

" Com'on you two, boy," Anna said. Atsushi nodded and went along with them.

" So, you have a name?," She asked.

" Atsushi, Atsushi nakajima," He said.

" Oh great to know that, I'm Anna Kushina, but people call me Anna," She said.

" So, why were you running in a fright earlier?," She asked.

" Oh, I just ran away from my orphanage, they treated me like dirt there, so I had no choice but to flee," He said.

" I see, well, that's enough sad talk, time for food," Anna said and ran inside the resturant.

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