~Chapter fourteen~

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Third person's pov

It was the next day that Anna has returned to the military.

Right now. She woke up with a happy aura and is energetic in the morning.

She got dressed and fix her hair. Before going to the kitchen for a glass of water.

" Anna, didn't know you would be up early?," Fukuchi asked. Already in his military unifrom.

" Well, I'm flying pretty energetic today!," She exclaimed. to be honest she was really happy that's back home.

" I see, oh and Teruko wanted me to give you this," He went back to his chamber and came back with a military unifrom on hand, but in a dress form?

" Since, You've done so well on your mission on the past years, I think it's time you would be an official member of the elite military team," He said

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" Since, You've done so well on your mission on the past years, I think it's time you would be an official member of the elite military team," He said. standing proud about his own blood's success.

" W-Wow," She was a shuttering mess right now.

" Why don't you wear this and we'll wash your previous dress," Fukuchi trying to be nice despite the stink scent from the girl's dress.

" Okay!," She chirped and ran to the bathroom with the unifrom on hand. it came with a pair of gloves and a hat, matching the unifrom.

After a while, she saw herself in the mirror, standing proud on her two feet.

' I'm finally a member,!,' She thought, jumping happily.

" Anna, We have to get going before I'm late for my meeting," She heard her grandfather called her out.

" Alright, I'm coming!," She said and went out of the bathroom.

" Teruko made a good decision about your unifrom, So, how is it?," He asked.

" I like it!, The clothing is kinda rough though, but it's alright," She said. slipping on her boots.

" Oh well looks who's finally back," Jouno saw the white hair girl. " And, did you get yourself in trouble while you were at your long mission?, chibi," Jouno asked.

" Maybe a little and I'm not a chibi!, I'm still growing!," Anna bark at him. 

" My my, you sure have commander's temper sometimes," Jouno smirk at the little girl.

" Grandpa~!He's bullying me again!," Anna whined.

The other three adults sweatdrop at the sight of the whinning girl. who is usually mature.

" Alright, no more hanging out with Teruko, Anna," Tetcho said sternly.

" WHAT!?," The two short females exclaimed.

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