~Chapter three~

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~~~Third person's pov~~~

The Agency was a total mess.

The windows were breaking due to Anna's Ability, the broken shards of glass were stabbed to the men.

Kenji ripping anything in sight to attack the men.

Yosano, well she's being her.

Kunikida slamming the men out of the building or onto the walls.

And Atsushi who was horrified of what he had to witness.

' The agency is more aggressive than the mafia!?,' He thought. then flinch when he heard one of the men let out an agony scream.

Anna's form was coated in red, her eyes glowed in ruby red, twisting her fingers. manipulating the man's mind.

' S-She's scary!,' Atsushi thought.

" Men, that is enough, for now, the port mafia will get they're hands on that boy, soon," Hirotsu said. exiting the building with the men.

" Goodness, look at this mess!, Anna!, You better help clean up, Brat!," Kunikida yelled, nearly pulling his hair off.

" Goodness, fine I'll help," She whined.

' Wow, who knew for such a small body, she could be so strong,' Atsushi thought.

" Atsushi, what are you looking at?," Anna asked and pick up the shocked boy.

' Just a little bit more and I will finally be with my real comrades,' She thought.

" A girl who has a similar ability to one of the executive?," The man, sitting at the end of the dinning table asked.

" Yes boss, Specifically right around Q's age," Hirotsu said.

" Hmm, you have mention this young one is strong, yes?," The man asked.

" Yes, extremely strong," Hirotsu said.

" I see, I will see to it on how to approached this young one," The man smugly smirk.

Hirotsu bowed respectfully before leaving.

~~~Anna's pov~~~

' Ugh!, finally were done finishing up the agency!,' I cheered and see everyone passed out.

' that would give me much time to do my things,' I thought and went to my desk.

Pulling out a piece of paper, pen and envelop.

Dear, Grandpa

How have you been?, It has been a year that I have inflitrated the armed detective agency, Not gonna lie, I did miss you guys, so much, I have no one to trust he-no, I cannot trust anyone here, since I will be breaking their trust soon. I hope you haven't been smoking >_< cause I'm not there to scold you this time.

                                                                                                                           - Your beloved, Anna

I place the letter on the envelop and gently walked out of the office.

I shifted into the form of a crow, flying out of the agency.

~~~Third person's pov~~~

A small crow flew into the dark color of the skies, heading towards the military headquarters.

The small crow landed on the commander's window, pecking on the glass gently. enough for the man to turn and see the crow gone.

He opened the window and saw no one. but seeing a letter.

at the bottom it had his granddaughter's name.

" You're here again, Anna?," He muttered and close the window.

The little crow watching the whole scene from the tree branch.

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