~Chapter eight~

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~~~~~~Third person's pov~~~~~

Lucy's playroom was filled in scarlet magic. seeming to be coming from a sliver haired girl.

' I need to get rid of her!,' Lucy thought, Anne coming towards Anna in a high speed.

" Anna-chan!, Look out!," Atsushi warned the red winged girl.






" Idiot," Anna's wings burned Anna's form. making the young woman gasped at the attack.

Red flames burn the giant doll, making it hissed at the heat.

' Amazing, at that age, Expected from the granddaughter of the living legend,' Mori thought.Anna made her way to Lucy and grabbed the key from her. unlocking the door, behind her.

" How?," 

" Come again?," Anna asked. turning her direction to the young woman.

" How did you defeat anne that quick!?, What are you!?," She asked, clearly in distress as she knew the consequences of her failure.

" Easy, the target was big so using, Velvet wings was the quickest way in the scenario," Anna said, successfully unlock the door.

" So long, Miss," Anna said, before returning back to reality.

Everyone was back to reality, in the middle of the road. where the cars were yonking at them.

" Anna-chan, You alright?," Atsushi asked, getting up quickly and moving to the sliver haired girl.

" I'm fine, worry about yourself, Atsushi," She said. getting up and fix her dress.

" ELISE-CHAN!~" The two glance to the man with a doctor coat, talking to the blonde little girl, who seemed to be Elise-chan.

" Where were you!?," He asked.

" I tried to see if I would give you a heart attack, Rinatoru," She said, in the most cutest voice.

" How mean, Eise-chan!, But you're cute, so I'll forgive you," He said. Atsushi chuckled at the sight.

' How that man can be a mafia and an dork at the same time,' Anna thought and heard footsteps coming their way.

They turned and saw Kyoka.

" Kyoka-chan?, What are you doing here?," Atsushi asked.

" I was worried about the both of you, since it took so long for you both to return to the agency," Kyoka said.

' For once a port mafia assassin, you have a heart, Kyoka,' Anna thought.

" Young man, Young child, You both are strong, Keep it up," Mori Ougai said to the two.

" Are you a doctor, Sir?," Atsushi asked.

' No, he is a damn mafia boss,' Anna thought. she caught the little girl's gaze fixed with her.

" I used to be, now I'm just a middle age man, looking to be useful in this town," He said. before turning away from the two.

Anna then heard heavy breathing and turned to Kyoka with a horrified expression.

' I believe that was the first time you've faced the mafia boss, now huh, Kyoka?,' Anna thought and calm the girl.

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