~Chapter five~

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~~~Anna's pov~~~

' Huh?, did he find out about my mission?,' I thought. My breathing was becoming uneven, as I was starting to panicked.

" Did you really think I wouldn't know," The man said, his eyes piercing into my my soul.

' What should I do?!, should I jumped from the window?!,' I thought.

The man stood from his desk and approaches, each step felt like a thunder coming towards me.

" I heard from the military police that their elite team's leader had let his granddaughter infiltrate the armed detective agency, so it seems that that young man is not your comrade," He said.

Smirking wickedly.

" You're just using them, all of them, but soon they will learn the truth," Mori said, attempting to grab me.

I flinched and jumped from the window. Ignoring the shards.

I used my ability to make a soft like cushion, preventing me from further injuries.

I groaned in pain and gripped on my arm's open wound. ' I-I have to get back to the apartment, before those mafia finds me again!.'

I arrived back at home and slam the door shut.

' Geez, now those mafia knows about my infiltration now, goddanmit What am I gonna do?!,' I thought and close stitch my wound with my ability.

I got up and went to my desk at my room.

' Sooner or later the agency will know about my mission, I have to cover that,' I thought.

' Now that I think about, didn't grandpa let Tachihara infiltrate the mafia too?,' I thought.

~~~Third person's pov~~~

It was the next morning, Anna was still recovering from the experience she encounter with the port mafia boss.

' I have to get ready,' She thought and went to the bathroom for a quick bath and brush her teeth.

After her bath, Anna put on her layers of clothing, before she grab her coat, she heard a knock at her door.

Anna was unsure if she should answer or not, fearing it would be the mafia men.

" Anna-chan, Director wants to speak to you at the uzumaki cafe, be there okay!," She heard dazai's voice said.

she sighed heavy and walked out of her apartment.

She walked to the uzumaki cafe, which was the lower ground of the agency office.

The door bell rang, meaning a person has entered the cafe.

" Anna, I'm glad you came," She heard an older man's voice. she turned and saw the director with a cup of tea, next to him was a calico cat.

" What is that, that you want to discuss, Director," Anna asked.

" I've always wondered," He started, " Have you have any connections between the Military police?," He asked.

' Oh no, did he find out?, Well, this is the end of it, I've failed the mission,' She thought.

" Cause, if you are, do you mind sending this to Fukuchi Ouchi or any of his second-in-command?," Fukuzawa presented a letter.

Anna nodded.

" Of course, sir," Anna said and went out of the cafe.

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