~Chapter four~

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~~~Third person's pov~~~

It was already nightfall in Yokohama city. It is dangerous for young girls to be walking around. Since underground organization would abduct them.

Anna walking back to her apartment, she saw a man waiting at the entrance of her apartment.

" Who are you?," She asked. Frowning at the sight of an unknown man.

" You're Anna Kushina?," He asked.

" What if I am?," she asked. Tilting her head to the side. Glaring daggers at him.

" The port mafia boss wants to see you, now if you will be an obedient kid and come with us or have it the other way," The man said, cracking his knuckles.

' Hmmm, Port mafia, I heard that the boss of the port mafia, once participate in the great war, I'm gonna have to be careful,' She thought.

" Alright, does he wants to see me now or maybe I should have an appointment schedule?," She asked.

" Boss's orders is firm, he wants you at the headquarters, Immediately," He said. Anf grabbed the back of her collar.

Anna growled and swap his grip of her.

" Don't touch me," she snarled and walked with them to the port mafia buidling.

' These events are driving me insane,' Anna thought and go on with their arrangements.

~~~Anna's pov~~~

We've entered the building, the walls were coated in velvet and black interior.

We step onto the elevator.

' From what Grandpa said, The port mafia boss is extremely smart and manipulative, I'm gonna have not to fall for his traps,'I thought.

We arrived at the top of the building. Where Mori's office is located.

" This is Anna Kushina, Boss wants to see her," the men with her said.

There were security cameras everywhere. Scanning her form.

' This building is pretty secured,' I thought.

They opened the large door and revealed a man, seated on one of the Velvet couch.

" Boss, Anna Kushina has arrived," one of the men said.

" I see, leave us," The men nodded and leave the office.

' Alright Anna, if anything goes wrong, Get out as soon as possible,' I thought and glance to the large window.

' I believe I could escape from the window,' I thought.

" You're Anna Kushina?," He asked. I nodded.

" I see,"

" Anna, I've heard you have wounded my men badly, since we attempt to capture the tiger young man," He said.

" Well, that's what you get for trying to capture our comrade," I said firmly.

" Are they really?," He asked.

" What?," I asked. Starting to shiver from the fear.

" Is he really your comrade?," He asked. Glancing to me.

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