The Beginning

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November 8th, 2019
Beacon Academy, Vale
RWBY Dorm Room

A week has passed since the breach in Vale.

When the White Fang and their human associate; Roman Torchwick, unleashed a horde of Grimm into the streets. Luckily the situation was contained and Roman was taken into custody by the Atlas Military.

Today, Team RWBY [Ruby] is enjoying themselves, waiting for the Vytal Festival Tournament.

"So, anyone wants to go into the city and get some supplies?" Ruby asks her team.

Weiss tells her young leader, "You guys go ahead, I'm staying."

Blake then asks Weiss as she was reading a book, "Any reason you're not coming?"

"Yeah, Ice Queen, why?" Yang asked.

"First of all, stop calling me that," Weiss answers, "Second, I'm expecting a pack from the Schnee Dust Company."

Ruby asks, "Anything important, Weiss?"

Weiss explained to her team, "The SDC informed me that they have discovered a new type of Dust. I got curious and asked my father for a few samples of them to see what capabilities it possesses."

"New Dust?" Ruby asks, "Can we take a look at it?"

Weiss thought about it and then she answered, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I showed you..." "But like I said," Weiss reminds Ruby, "I have to wait for it to show up."

Blake closes her book and looks up, she then asks, "So, what elemental properties does it have?"

"Nobody knows," Weiss tells Blake, "Not even Atlas' top scientists could figure it out."

Yang asks, "Can't they set it off with a bit of aura?"

Weiss responded, "They already tried that, but all it did was glow for two seconds, and then it went out."

They suddenly hear a knock at the door. Yang opens the door, revealing their friends and sister team, Team JNPR [Juniper].

"Uh, this box was left at our doorstep," Jaune said holding the white box with the SDC logo on it.

"Finally!" Weiss said as she snatched the box out from his hands, "It's here."

Pyrrha then asks, "So what did you get, Weiss?"

Ruby and Yang both answer, "A newly discovered type of Dust."

"New Dust?" Nora asks in a hypertonic voice, "Is it explosive? Can I try it? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I?"

"Nora." Ren tells Nora, "Let them explain."

Blake explains, "We were going to the Dust Lab to see what we could find out."

Weiss smirks as she tells team JNPR, "This marks the latest triumph of the Schnee Dust Company. A new iteration of Dust brimming with unknown possibilities just waiting to be discovered!"

"Isn't this amazing?" Ruby asked with her eyes sparkling.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Jaune asked.

Weiss responds, "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Of course, we don't mind at all," Ruby said.

"THEN LET'S GO!" Nora shouted then sprinted to the lab.

"NORA!" Ren shouts as he rushes after Nora.

The others followed them to the lab.

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