Unlock Terratial Aura

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November 18th, 2019
San Francisco, California; U.S.A
Lowell High School

After the school hours had ended, Calvin, Hailey, and their friends, along with teams RWBY and JNPR regrouped at the front of the school.

Calvin and Hailey told Tommy and Yolonda about the 'Arkos Incident'. Yolonda's reaction was almost the same as Blake's. As for Tommy's reaction, he was... Actually, he did not react in any way.

As they all were about to walk to the BART station home, Tommy had a question on his mind and decided to speak it, "おい、ルビー。[Oi, Rubi.] (Hey, Ruby.)"

Ruby responds, "Yeah, Tommy."

Tommy asks Ruby in English, "What is it like to have an aura?"

"Well," Ruby explains, "I guess it just makes you faster, stronger, and lighter on your feet." "Why do you ask?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing," Tommy answers, "I just wanted to know."

"Tommy might be on to something," Daisy goes up to Ruby and asks her, "Is there any way for us to get an aura?"

"Wait," Weiss asks, "why do you two ask that?"

Tommy repeats, "I just wanted to know."

"Well," Daisy answers, "something has got me thinking and what Tommy asked." "What if...?" before she could say it, she looked around to ensure nobody was around, "What if Salem were to find out about Earth?"

Everyone then starts to look at Daisy and they realize they haven't thought about that.

"You have a point, Daisy," Calvin then explains, "If Salem does find out about Earth, then it's most likely she'll learn about Earth's history, send an army of Grimm to invade the planet, and attempt to rule it as a self-proclaimed goddess."

"Also she'll learn about the web show, RWBY, and make alternations on her plans for Remnant," Ronny mentioned.

Lucas adds, "Not to mention that Watts could learn about our technology and use it against us for Salem."

"Now what?" Blake asked.

"Remnant has huntsmen to fight off the Grimm, right?" Calvin explains,  "If Salem does send Grimm to our world, then maybe we should have our own huntsmen." "As a good idea and awesome as it seems, there's also some ups and downs with that," He adds in.

"What do you mean?" Nora asked.

Calvin then lists, "The upside would be that people can be protected, fight off the Grimm, and Earth can be more of a challenge against Salem. The downside would be experimentation on aura users and they would be used as weapons rather than guardians. Not to mention if terrorist organizations were to recruit those with aura?"

"But," Ronny says, "it's better to have auras and become huntsmen rather than dying under the hands, claws, or maybe tentacles of the monsters controlled by that witch."

"Are you asking us to unlock your aura?" Pyrrha asked.

"And asking us to train you guys?" Ruby asked with hope in her eyes.

"Well," Calvin says, "a few of us already know how to fight." "But if that's okay with everyone else," Calvin then looks to his friends and Hailey and her friends.

"I'm in," Emma responded.

"I'm game," Lucas said with a two-finger salute.

"You can always count on me, Cal," Daisy said.

"I know I'm a pacifist, but..." Ronny pointed out and then said as he cracked his knucks, "I'll do whatever it takes to help people."

Hailey tells them, "I'm willing to help you guys."

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