How to Live on Earth for Remnan Dummies and Certain Otherworldly Beings

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In the dining room of Daisy's house, teams RWBY and JNPR were enjoying the breakfast Daisy's mother and sister made before leaving the house.

"Alright teams, here's the deal," Lucas tells them, "Until we find a way to get you guys back home, we need to teach you everything about Earth, so nobody can suspect you're from another world."

"So feel free to ask us anything," Ronny adds.

"Okay," Rudy starts with the first question, "so, what are the huntsmen academies here like?"

"We don't have huntsmen academies here," Ronny answered.

That got everyone to stop eating and stare at the Terrans. Pyrrha asks, "Then how do you defend yourselves against the Grimm?"

"We don't," Lucas quickly responded, "because Grimm doesn't exist on Earth."

They were shocked while sitting after hearing this information. Ren, Weiss, and Blake started to take notes.

"No Grimm?" Ruby then asks with a hopeful smile, "Then your world at peace then?"

Calvin, Daisy, Lucas, and Ronny looked at each other with uncensored looks. Calvin became the first to say it, "I won't quite say we're at peace completely."

Ronny then says, "Some people may say we are at a time of peace, but it's really a load of bullshit if you ask me."

"Our world has suffered many things," Daisy then gives their Remnant friends a small history lesson, "We went through two world wars, or in your case; two great wars, and currently, we have too many terrorist groups killing people from right to left all over the world."

"Earth went through two great wars?" Jaune asked with his eyes widened.

"Can't those with aura who are qualified to fight protect the innocent lives out there?" Pyrrha asked.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Pyrrha, but aura doesn't exist on Earth," Calvin responded.

Teams RWBY and JNPR stare at Calvin as if a crumb is stuck on his face. Yang then shouts, "No aura?!" 

"Yep," Calvin then states, "This makes Earth's conflict more deadly and costly than Remnant's."

"How does the Faunus here get along with the humans?" Blake asked.

"I'm sorry to say this, Blake," Daisy answers, "but Faunus don't exist on Earth."

Blake's eyes widened after hearing that Faunus doesn't exist on Earth, this made her feel like she was the only one of her species in this world.

"So," Blake asks with a lowered head, "I guess you don't have to deal with racism or discrimination?"

"Actually," Ronny then explains, "Racism does exist on Earth. People discriminate against others over minor things than Remnant does. For example; the color of one's skin."

Blake was shocked to hear what Ronnny was talking about racism existing on Earth and over the color of skin. She then asks, "Racism is really that bad here?"

"Yep," Daisy explains, "even though racism is mostly banned these days, it still exists today."

"Like the times when I was little, before I moved to California, there was this white kid and his dad and they were jeering me and my old man that our kind should be dead and all that," Ronny then mentions his childhood and prevents himself for mention the word.

Blake couldn't help but pity and understand how Ronny felt.

"No huntsmen academies, no Grimm, no aura, no Faunus," Weiss decides to say to make a joke out of learning about Earth, "next thing you're going to tell us is that Dust doesn't exist here either."

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