Sleepover Aftermath

356 13 5

November 16th, 2019
San Francisco, California; U.S.A
Center Park

At the park, Ronny, Blake, and Yang were jogging through the park and they stopped as they made their way back to Ronny's house.

They returned breathing heavily after the run.

"Do you really do this every weekend?" Yang asked Ronny.

"Yeah," Ronny answered and then threw a few jabs in the air, "I like to keep myself in shape. Lose a few weight and look as strong as I can."

Yang then says, "I still don't get how you're a pacifist."

"I mean, he does dream of becoming a teacher," Blake remembered when Ronny told them his dream.

"Exactly," Ronny then mentions as they enter his house, "My dad only got me into cage fighting, but I use them for defense. The reason for my pacifism is thanks to my mom's love of writing and it taught me that not all answers can involve a punch to the face."

"I guess they can't," Blake said in deep thought.

"Ronny! Sweetie!" A woman calls him from the kitchen, "Are you back from your run?!"

"We are, Mom!" Ronny answered.

The woman revealed to be Ronny's mother shouts to them from the kitchen, "Well, come here! Breakfast is ready!"

They then went to the house's kitchen to see an African-American woman wearing a blue shirt, brown Capri pants, and a black apron. This woman could only be Ronny's mom. And she had bacon and eggs ready for them.

"Thanks for the meal, Mrs. Freeman," Blake said to Ronny's mom.

"Come on, girls," Ronny's mom says to them, "I told you to call me Barbra."

"Still," Yang says to Ronny's mom whose name is revealed to be Barbra, "thanks for the food, Barbra."

"I'm just glad to see Ronny bringing friends over," Barbra commented.

Yang then says, "I wonder how everyone else is doing."

"You said they were at Lucas's house?" Barbra asked, "Hopefully they met his uncle sober."

- - - - -

Meanwhile, Lucas, Weiss, Ruby, Ren, and Nora make their way back to Daisy's house on a car ride with a man with silver hair, wrinkled tan skin, and blue eyes, wearing a white tank top, gray jean jacket, blue jeans, and brown boots driving the car.

They exit the car when they make it to Daisy's house.

Lucas turns to the man in the driver's seat, "Thanks for the drive, Uncle Mark."

The man revealed to be his uncle named Mark responds, "You're welcome, boy." "I still didn't like it when Nora drank half our Moutain Dew last night," he pointed out and continued talking, "we had too many people complaining to us."

"Sorry," Lucas said.

"But," Mark says to his nephew, "it was nice to see you have friends over." "I have to go now," he tells them.

"But aren't you retired," Ruby points out.

"I am," Mark answers, "I'm just going to drink with my friends."

Lucas tells his uncle, "Don't get too drunk you Stinkin' Racoon!"

"I won't, Octo-Head," Mark tells his nephew and drives off.

The four then start to walk up to Daisy's front door.

"It was nice to meet your uncle, Lucas, but..." Weiss then comments on Mark, "Despite how he worked with Google and how he's a genius in computer engineering, I didn't like meeting him when he was drunk."

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