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After a few minutes, Lucas and Daisy finally wake up and they both shout out loud, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!" Daisy shouts with excitement and Lucas shouts with denial, "You guys are real!" "You guys can't be real!"

"Of course we're real," Weiss said.

"No, we mean," Lucas summarizes, "You guys are supposed to be fictional characters who shouldn't be standing in front of us!"

"Fictional?!" Yang shouted with her eyes and her hair hadn't changed.

Everyone then started arguing and overlapping with each other. "Guys?" Ronny tries to get their attention. They continue to argue. "Uh, Guys?!" Ronny tries again nothing again.

"GUYS," Daisy screams so loud, "SHUT THE EVER LOVING HELL UP!!!" That got everyone's attention to stop arguing. She then tells Ronny, "It's all you now."

"Thanks, Daisy," Ronny then clears his thought and says, "Look everyone, we all got on the wrong foot so let's just introduce ourselves. So," He introduces himself, "hello, my name is Ronald Freeman. But a lot of people call me Ronny."

"Okay," Calvin introduced himself, "I'm Calvin Watson."

"Sup," Lucas introduced himself, "name's Lucas McKnight."

Last but not least for self introductions, "And I'm Daisy Vania."

"Hello, I'm-" Pyrrha was immediately interrupted by Daisy as she pointed at each one of them, "You're Pyrha Nikos, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, and Ruby Rose."

"Wait, how did you know our names?" Jaune asks, "And more importantly, where are we?"

"You're in San Fransisco," Ronin answered. Calvin also followed along and said, "And you guys are the main characters of our favorite web show."

"San Fransisco?" Blake asks, "Is that in Vale?"

Ren adds, "And what web show?"

"Well, how do we say this?" Lucas begins to explain, "You guys are not in Vale. In fact, you're not even in Remnant. You're on a planet called, Earth."

"Earth?" Yang while snickering, "Who's idea was it to name a planet after dirt?"

"And to answer Ren's question," Daisy explained while trying to hold her excitement, "you landed in a world where to us, you guys are part of a fictional web show called RWBY."

"We got our own TV show?" Nora shouts excitedly, "That is so awesome!"

"Now that we answered your questions. Now we have a question for you," Daisy asks, "How did you guys get here?"

"Well, if you must know," Weiss explains their situation, "the Schnee Dust Company has discovered a new type of Dust in the mines and I got curious and asked my father to send a few samples. And when we got it, we did some tests on it, and one of the tests sent us to this place and that's it."

"So are you suck here?" Ronny asked Weiss.

"No," Weiss says, "because I'm positive that Ruby has more Dust rounds to get us back."

"Uhhh..." Ruby says with widened eyes. "About that Weiss..." Ruby tells Weiss with a nervous tone, "That round I fired... It was the only round I made."

"WHAT?!" Weiss screamed at Ruby, "So that means we are stuck here then?!"

"Anyway," Daisy wants to know which part of the show they came from, "next question what has happened before then?"

"Uhhh..." Ruby explains, "We were on a mission with one of our teachers and then there was a breach in Vale caused by Roman Torchwick and the White Fang which led the Creatures of Grimm into the city. But thankfully, it was contained and Torchwick is now locked up by Atlas military."

The four high school students stare Ruby blankly.

Pyrrha whispers to Ruby, "Do they even know what we're talking about?"

"Guys, sidebar!" Calvin tells his group.

"Can you give us a minute?" Daisy asked them for a minute of their time. They then huddle together facing each other.

"Should we tell them?" Ronin whispered.

"I don't know." Lucas recaps, "But we do know they arrived before Volume 3 and the Fall of Beacon take place."

"Not to mention, if we tell them about the web show," Lucas mentions the scenario, "they would know about the war between Ozpin and Salem." 

Daisy adds, "And hundreds of people, including Pyrrha, die in the hands of the White Fang and that bitch, Cinder Fall."

"So we should tell them, about the web show," Ronny explains, "That way they would not only know everything about Salem, her followers, the maidens, the relics, and pretty much everything."

"And they can figure out a way to avoid Remnant's version of 9/11," Calvin pointed out.

Lucas looks at Calvin with a raised eyebrow, "Are you really comparing the Fall of Beacon to Al-Qaeda's deadliest attack on U.S. soil?" He explains the difference, "9/11 didn't have Grimm running around and the Atlesian Knights weren't going Skynet on us-"

"Okay, we get it," Ronny shouted at Lucas, "you're smart and compare different terrorist attacks!"

"Aside from Lucas being the buzzkill he is," Daisy states "I'm with Calvin and Ronny on this. We should tell them. It would be helpful if they knew about these future events. Even if we didn't tell them, they would find out anyway."

"Right," Lucas said feeling offended.

"Then it's settled," Calvin states, "we'll tell them about the show, help them find a way back to Remnant, and help them adapt to life on Earth until then." He asks his friends before making it official, "Are we all in an agreement?"


"No disagreement here."

"Only one problem," Lucas asks, "Where are they going to live?"

Daisy responds, "They could live in my place."

"Will your parents be okay with that?" Ronny asked.

Daisy answers Ronny's question, "Dad is a soldier so he's barely home and Mom is an airplane pilot so she too is barely home. The only ones home are my big sister and my little brother." She also adds, "Plus my house is pretty big."

They then broke out the huddle and faced teams RWBY and JNPR. "Alright," Calvin tells the teams, "we reached an agreement to show you the show you guys the web show."

"But before we show it to you," Daisy warns them, "we want to know if guys are sure to watch it. Because once you watch it-"

Lucas cuts in, "You're reality might not be the same and you will see everything in a particularly different way and-"

"ENOUGH OF THAT LUCAS!!!" Ronny shouted at Lucas, "Nobody wants to hear your 'seeing the future will destroy your reality' talk! We already heard your 'there's a difference between cow and bison' talk. AND WE HATE IT!!!"

"Okay," Calvin breaks the brawler and brainer away from each other, "we're getting off-topic here." He then gets back on topic, "We just want to know if you guys are sure if you want to watch it."

"How do we know you guys aren't lying to us?" Blake asks while narrowing her eyes.

"How do you like to explain how you guys found your way here and how we know exactly who you are?" Lucas asked back.

Blake got defeated, "You've got me there."

"Anyway," Calvin asked once again, "do you still want to watch the show?"

The huntsmen and huntresses look at each other and then they face Calvin again. Ruby answers for the group briefly, "Yes."

"Alright," Calvin explains to them, "we agreed to go to Daisy's house. So that's where we'll show you."

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