Training Time

273 11 9

A/N: Happy Lunar New Year.

The Terrans gathered on the training mats with Teams RWBY and JNPR standing before them like combat instructors.

"So," Ruby asks, "what now?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lucas points out, "You guys train us."

"Oh," Ruby then says "Alright then..."

"Attention ladies!" Nora says, "Are you ready for the training of your lives?!" Before anyone could answer, Nora proclaims, "Because starting now, you all are going to be training to be the very first Earthling huntsmen and huntresses around."

"You practiced cage fighting, will this be like your training?" Lucas whispered to Ronny.

Ronny answers, "I don't think so."

"Now, drop and give me one hundred push-ups!" Nore yelled.

Everyone didn't know what to say next.

Nora then repeats, but louder, "I SAID DROP AND GIVE ME A HUNDRED!!!"

Instantly, the high schoolers dropped to the floor and started doing push-ups.

"After you have done your push-ups, give me one hundred sit-ups, fifty leg lifts, and sit in the air for ten minutes. Then..." Nora then continues to list down more exercise techniques

"Lord, help us," Calvin grunted as he struggled to do three push-ups.

- - - - -

An hour and thirty minutes passed and all the high schoolers were sitting on the ground in exhaustion. 

All except Tommy, Yolonda, and Ronny, because those kinds of exercise are normal for them.

As for the others, they pant heavily and drink water.

"All done..." Nora pauses with a cheerful tone, "With the warm-up."

"Wait, those were warm up?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Ruby tells them, "next, each of you will partner up with one of us, of your choosing."

"And every day," Weiss adds, "You will be switching partners from then on."

"So," Jaune asks, "who will you all pick for today?"

Tommy answers quickly, "I call Pyrrha!"

"If he gets Pyrrha then I call Yang," Yolonda said.

Emma says, "Dibs on Ren."

"Then I'll take Blake," Lucas said.

Daisy says, "I take Weiss since I'm like her."

"Then I'll take Nora," Ronny said.

"I'll take Jaune," Hailey said.

"I guess, I'm with Ruby," Calvin said.

- - - - -

A few minutes later, everyone was sparring with their partners and mostly Tommy, Yolonda, and Ronny progressed well.

"You do know how to fight, Tommy," Pyrrha points out, "but you also leave too many openings for yourself."

Tommy tells her, "Mother forgot to teach me that."

Pyrrha also says, "And you should try less to blame your mother's training. You need to find your own way of training."

"And I thought Tommy exaggerated your ability," Yang said as she threw some punches at Yolonda, while she countered them.

Yolonda says, "I was really close to beating my dear lion."

"Your dear lion?" Yang wonders what Yolonda meant.

Yolonda answers, "That's what I call, Tommy."

Blake tries to strike at Lucas in every direction, but Lucas struggles to keep up. Blake tells him, "Lucas, you are thinking too hard."

"I'm a hacker," Lucas excuses, "I have to think all the time."

"But when you are fighting, you can't always be thinking," Blake said.

"Daisy, your right foot needs to be more forward," Weiss told Daisy as she kept stumbling as they practiced fencing techniques.

"Sorry," Daisy tells Weiss, "It's just been a while since I took fencing again."

Nora chases Ronny around with a sledgehammer. Nora shouts at Ronny as she slams the hammer, "Come on and fight me like a man!"

"But I'm a pacifist!" Ronny shouts as he runs away from Nora, "I don't fight that much!"

Ren tries to slash and whack at Emma with two of his training sticks, while Emma is trying to block and deflect every attack and fails. Ren tells her, "Try and be more focused, Emma."

"You're too open, Hailey," Jaune said to Hailey as he struck her in the side with his stick.

"It happens a lot," Hailey tells him, "all the stress I build up could have caused it all."

Calvin tries to strike at Ruby, only for her to dodge his attack and strike his head with her stick. "Come on, Calvin," Ruby tells Calvin, "Focus on defense more."

"Sorry," Calvin tells her, "I'm not used to fighting."

- - - - -

After a few hours of training, the Terrans were all exhausted. Ronny, Emma, and Lucas were lying on the mat, Calvin and Hailey had their hands on their knees while panting heavily, Daisy sat while leaning on the pillar, and Tommy and Yolanda were fine because they were used to all kinds of combat training.

"Okay, I think we're done for today. What do you guys think?" Ruby asked the Terran and their response was groaning.

Except for Tommy and Yolanda. They just respond with, "I think we did good." "So do I."

"Alright," Jaune then asks, "so what now?"

"Well, it's 5:30," Tommy suggests, "I say dinner."

"I agree," Calvin said.

"I could eat," Ronny commented.

"I am feeling hungry," Daisy said.

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