The Meeting

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Beacon Academy, Vale
Dust Lab

Ruby returned with the Dust round made out of the new Dust and had it loaded in her weapon Crescent Rose. "All set. I have the round loaded and ready to fire."

"Alright, Ruby," Weiss instructs her partner, "Hope this will show what this new Dust can do," Weiss hypothesizes, "Either the pressure from Crescent Rose or hitting the target will create some sort of reaction to the sample. All you have to do is shoot at the target."

Ruby nodded and then she aimed her sniper scythe at the target and pulled the trigger. But right as the round flew out the barrel of the gun, a bright silver light flashed before their eyes, and teams RWBY and JNPR were engulfed by it. When the light died down, both teams were gone without a trace.

- - - - -

San Francisco, California; U.S.A

After another day of high school, Calvin, Lucas, Daisy, and Ronny walk to the BART station to get a ride home.

Daisy asks the boys, "So, any plans before Christmas vacation?"

"Don't know," Ronny answered, "I'm just going to do the same as usual and try to get a girlfriend."

Lucas answers, "Just going to study and play video games as usual."

Daisy then asks Calvin, "What about you, Calvin? What are you going to do?"

"I don't-" Calvin was about to answer until a bright light appeared at a nearby alleyway.

Lucas shouted, "What the hell was that?!"

"I didn't know," Calvin responds and then points out, "but it looks like it's glowing brighter."

The light then died out as fast as it was shown.

Ronny suggested, "Let's check it out."

"Good idea," Daisy agreed

"Ronny!" "Daisy!" Lucas and Calvin called out to their friends and caught up with them.

Daisy and Ronny went into the ally to see... 

All of a sudden, Daisy squeals in excitement. This caught Calvin and Lucas off guard, "Daisy!" they rushed to the alleyway.

"Daisy, what's-" Calvin stopped and realized why Daisy was squealing as he and Lucas looked down to see.

"Are they-"

"Team RWBY and Team JNPR from RWBY?" Ronny answered Calvin before he could and before Daisy could answer because Ronny suspected that Daisy would respond by screaming and shouting which could disturb the neighborhood, "I'm not sure. We just found them like this and Daisy started screaming."

"They must be cosplayers," Lucas trying to be reasonable.

Calvin then points out, "There was a massive bright silver light appearing out of nowhere and there are people from a fictional web show in front of us. I don't think you can come up with a logical explanation for this."

"But," Ronny wonders, "Are they... you know...?"

Calvin then kneels at their level to check the pulse of the one dressed like Ruby. He sighs with relief and answers, "No, they're alive."

"Thank goodness," Ronny was relieved to hear.

Lucas suggests, "We should try and wake them up."

"Yeah," Daisy agrees and grins while bringing her phone out, "and maybe we should get a photo with them."

The boys then look at Daisy with raised eyebrows. Daisy then wonders with a straight face, "What?"

"Now's not the time, Daisy," Lucas tells Daisy while shaking his head.

"Miss?" Calvin lightly slapped Ruby's cheek, "Miss, can you hear me?"

The girl moans as she starts to open her silver eyes.

"Oh my god, She even dyed her eyes silver." Daisy points out and screams with excitement, "That's so awesome!" Lucas facepalm as Daisy is in her fan-girl mode.

Then all of a sudden, the other teens start to wake up.

Blake groans, "What happened?"

Weiss responds, "I have no idea."

"Are you people okay?" Ronny asked.

The Huntsman and Huntresses in training all stared at the four teens in front of them and noticed that they were no longer in the Dust Lab.

"Wait," Jaune asks, "where are we?"

"We found you guys in this alleyway just a few seconds ago." Calvin explained to them and then asked them, "What are your names?" 

"I'm Ruby," Ruby introduced herself, "Ruby Rose."

The four high school students were confused by the answer and thought that they were method actors.

"Nice acting," Ronny comments, "but in all seriousness, what are your names?"

"She said her name is Ruby, you dolt," Weiss said with her signature insult.

"And you are?" Lucas asked.

"I'm Weiss Schnee," she answered, "heiress to the Schnee Dust Company."

"Right," Lucas introduced himself sarcastically, "and I'm Stephen Hawking, the smartest man in the world."

"Okay pal, what's going on here?" Yang asked as her lilac eyes turned red.

Daisy squealed immediately when she watched it happen. She rushed in closer to stare at Yang's eyes, "Your eyes turned red just like Yang's in the show! How did you do that?!"

"Wait," Pyrrha wonders, "how did you know her name?"

"And what show?" Ren asked.

"You know," Daisy answers, "the hit show; RWBY. Mabe by Rooster Teeth."

Nora starts to laugh, "What kind of name is Rooster Teeth?"

"This can't be," Lucas tries to find a logical explanation, "It's impossible for fictional characters to come to reality. They must be talented method actors and cosplayers."

"We're not cosplayers," Jaune said, "Whatever that is."

"And what do you mean by fictional characters?" Blake asked and then pointed out, "We're real people standing right here!"

Then all of a sudden, "OKAY, ENOUGH!!!" Yang yells in anger as her hair bursts into flames,  "Can somebody tell us where the heck we are now before I lose it?!"

Calvin, Lucas, Daisy, and Ronny were shocked to see Yang's hair on fire. They finally realized that they were not cosplayers and that they were the real thing. 

Lucas passed out from the logic overload, Daisy passed out with excitement, Ronny caught both of them from passing out, and Calvin shouts out, "Holy shit!"

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