Hanging Out

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The Vania Residence

After Hailey, Emma, Yolonda, and Tommy found out about Teams RWBY and JNPR being in their world, they also decided to hang out with them and teach them about Earth. Even a few things outside the United States. 

After a few hours of school, everyone went back to Daisy's house. Hailey, Emma, Yolonda, and Tommy had to first ask their parents to hang out at Daisy's house, and based on how they were in the house, they agreed.

Ren and Weiss were looking up Earth's achievements on Daisy's computer, while Ruby, Nora, Jaune, and Pyrrha were playing a video game called 'Mario Kart' Yang was cheering for her little sister to win, leaving Blake reading a few books that Daisy helped check out from the school library.

Meanwhile, Calvin, Daisy, Lucas, Ronny, Hailey, Emma, Yolonda, and Tommy were finishing up their homework.

After finishing their homework, the Terran entered the living room to watch their Remnan friends.

"Damn it, Ruby!" Jaune yelled after he got hit by a blue shell.

"Go, Ruby!" Yang cheered.

"Why am I getting so angry?" Pyrrha said with a frustrated tone.

"Come one, Princess Peach," Nora called to her character on the TV, "Show them what you're made of!"

Ronny, Calvin, and Tommy chuckled at their antics.

"I still can't believe that they landed people on the moon," Weiss said.

Ren adds, "And that they had discovered other planets out there and there is still so much to see."

"And these satellites they built can put the CCT towers to shame," Weiss also adds.

"Yep," Lucas explains, "thanks to the satellites; Earth's ways of communication are almost completely limitless and are out of reach. And if one of them goes down, communications will stay up. Unlike the maintenance of the CCT towers: where one tower goes down, the entire global network shuts down."

"Which is a stupid design I have to say," Yolonda added.

Pyrrha was about to cross the finish line on the final lap until she got hit with a blue shell... By Ruby. Pyrrha then yells "Ruby, you fucking bitch!"

Everyone looked at Pyrrha with jaws dropped and eyes widened.  They all couldn't believe that Pyrrha just cursed, and to Ruby of all people. Ruby looked like she was about to cry as Yang cracked her knuckles.

Pyrrha gasped at herself at what she said to Ruby.

"Oh gods, Ruby, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know what came over me," Pyrrha apologized and hugged Ruby to comfort her, "I've never done that before."

"Oh mon Dieu! Je n'arrive pas à croire que Pyrrha Nikos ait réellement juré. Et à Ruby entre tous." Emma said in French with shock.

Ronny says to his sister figure, "I know, I can't believe it either."

"You can understand Emma when she speaks French?" Ren asked.

"Yeah," Ronny answers, "When I was tutoring her in English, she taught me some French." "And from her shocked expression, it sounded like she said 'Oh my god! I can't believe Pyrrha Nikos actually swore. And to Ruby of all people.' in French," he translated.

Ruby wipes off her tears, hugs Pyrrha back, and says, "It's alright, Pyrrha. It just caught me off guard."

"We did warn you all that Marion Kart can ruin friendships," Lucas said.

"And I should know that," Tommy said. 

"But in the end, friendship can always be fixed no matter what," Emma said as she joined in the hug with Pyrrha and Ruby.

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