So i'm dead

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The feeling of being shattered into a thousand pieces, the bones being crushed, the dizziness of your heavily hit body being thrown, the sickness and discomfort in the lungs, the feeling of choking and being trapped in your own body while trying to struggle as you can to get some air.

The strong migraine and the anguish of feeling death knocking at your door...the need to fight but the realization of the vanity of your gestures...all of these, I felt them and they frightened me.

I realized, I left the pub and walked towards the metro station... Then I saw the bright headlights of a car approaching quickly toward me and the metal hit my side as I found myself thrown, looking at the ground from above...

My body hit the ground violently and then...

And then, nothing more. Total calm mingled with darkness, everything is dark, everything is so dark... I'm so scared... I'm feeling chill.

I feel so alone; it's true, I've never been with someone but this loneliness is oppressive to me. I want to find a way out of this appalling environment...

I'm in the dark and don't understand why I can see so clearly...I realize I'm alone and it's stressful.

I run out of breath, my legs always carrying me further, I run but can't see the end of it.

I'm starting to lose hope.. why don't I even see a little light which could reassure me of the way to take it. I don't want to end up like this...

I would finally be able to live as I wanted but why is fate so hard on me? What the hell have I done in my life to have such shitty karma?

I don't want to die, and I feel it's surely the death row that I'm going through. A place where all hope is taken away from you, so, I started crying, I don't want to die...

No, I want to realize my new projects.

I promise I will be happy, I will lose my virginity and I won't let anyone walk over me again.

I promise but for that, I have to live, and I want it so badly!

I continued to cry as soon I found myself sitting with my feet stretched out in front of me, and my hands in front of my face discouraged by the cruelty of my fate.

I cried again and again when I heard further, moaning signs that someone was also crying.

Intrigued, I got up and followed these tears of despair and after many steps, I saw a flamboyant hair in front of me. The crying person was curled up like a ball and I felt like I saw myself a few minutes earlier...but another idea came to my mind...I was not alone, in this scary place, I had another person by my side so I felt quite relieved.

I walked forward and finally, when I reached the place where the girl was, I patted her shoulder drawing the girl's attention to me.

The girl jumped and turned around in fear, but when she saw me, she got up and seemed reassured.

" Hello, who are you?"

" My name is Valeria...and...I think I'm dead and you?"

The girl lowered her head and started crying again. I felt a little bad for her, she seemed very young, no she was even a kid so if what I think is true, then she would have had a very early death.

" What's your name?"

" Mylene... Mylene Von Hosten..."

I remained calm. This name looked very noble. She must have been part of a very rich family.

And it is more tragic to die with a life so well given, not like mine, so shitty.

" Do you want to tell me what happened? For my part, I got hit by a car, and you?"

Again the girl stayed calm and finally, she pulled herself together. I could see her gaze harden, and even though she had a rather determined expression, she was shaking.

" My family...they sold me when I was only 19 to the count of an estate close to my father's...this man had been a widower for eight years and he set his sights on me.... I didn't want but in a family where I didn't have my place, I ended up believing that it was a good way to escape from my bad luck... then I thought that my husband would be a good man even if he was 25 years my age. I just thought that I would end up loving him...but in the end, it was leaving from one hell to another... He beat me and only took me by rape, I don't know why he liked this kind of practice... but each time, I always ended up with a broken rib and the body in shreds but that was not the worst..."

She stopped and sighed as I wondered what kind of asshole did this stuff. I didn't know much about rich people's lives and when Mylène told me about estates, all I imagined was that she must have been from an England family or something like that.

My thought stopped when I heard Mylène sigh, she was about to start her story again.

" He loved to starve me...he said I shouldn't gain weight. He doesn't like fat women...I spent three days starving and it wasn't until the fourth that he allowed servants to give me a piece of bread .... Today he came home angry and hit me. I lost consciousness and when I woke up, I was here..."

I blew under my beard...he had beaten her to death, poor thing.

" And your family did nothing even when they discovered that you were beaten so much by your husband?"

" I...I wrote so many letters but no one ever accepted to answer...I didn't stop during the two years that our marriage lasted...they did not even come to see me once..."

Real scrapings. At that moment, I did not regret never having had a family.

" And the employees? You mean you had no allies in this hellhole?"

" No one dared among the employees...and my family, whether it was my father and my brothers, were very happy to have gotten rid of me...they certainly adored my sister-in-law too much, the daughter of the new wife of my father..."

I clenched my jaw..this kid had a shitty life like me, maybe even worse.

I sighed and sat down next to Mylène. We were club victims, life wasn't kind to us and we ended up dying stupidly.

" The...the only thing...the thing I had was my power...but I never dared to use it..."

I quickly turned around thinking I heard some bullshit...what? Powers?

" Powers ???"

" Yes..., when I turned 12, I discovered that I had the blessing of's a rare power and so coveted by the crown but I was so scared...if people discovered it... they would make me the heiress of the Hosten to the detriment of my older brother and I didn't want it... in the end, the years have passed and until today, I have not been able to use it."

I found her extremely stupid...she had the power to change her destiny and had missed this chance, I wanted to hit her...even if this notion of power was still abstract to me, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that this girl had been stupid.

" So you were crying because you didn't want to die?"

"'m happy to have finally been able to escape from my hell. But I was crying because I didn't imagine life after death to be so awful..."

" I see..."

We stayed like that for a few minutes and finally, I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up later in what looked like a cozy bed.

I did not understand anything wondering if all this had been only a dark and horrible dream.

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