Chapter 21 - 30

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ঞ  Chapter 21

  The   Wind Said You Are Just Like a

  Watermelon devil!

  Speaking of apologizing, Qin Yitan's face turned pale.

  He once apologized to Lu Mingyu at the suggestion of the PR team, but that apology was just a smoke bomb, in order to control public opinion.

  And now this time it's a real apology.

  Lu Mingyu and Qin Yitan are somewhat similar in appearance, and the types of songs they sing are also similar.

  The two are right.

  The daily task of Qin Yitan's fans is not to make their own data, but to push Lu Mingyu.

  After all, Qin Yitan contributed a lot to Lu Mingyu's rise to the top position.


  It is impossible for Qin Yitan to be willing.

  Here, Lin Xinmeng broke down with the system.

  The conflict between Qin Yitan and Lu Mingyu was resolved, but the points were not!

  Lin Xinmeng: Can points be given proportionally? A little bit is fine.

  Probability system: [It is detected that the contribution rate of the host in this task is less than 30%, and no reward points will be awarded. ]
  When Lin Xinmeng was downcast, he heard the sound of the system again.

  [Anyone's favorability towards the host can be exchanged for points in equal proportions. ]
  [Qin Yitan is no exception. ]
  [Check out that there is an element of resistance in his current emotions, if the host can relieve it, he can gain favor. ]
  Hearing this, Lin Xinmeng felt hopeful for life again.

  She approached Lu Yang and Qin Yitan, and said, "It's fine to apologize, but you don't need to stand on your head."

  "Qin Yitan didn't mean to frame your brother on purpose, Lu Yang, don't worry about trying to save me."

  Lin Xinmeng approached Lu Yang while talking, and put his hand on Lu Yang's arm affectionately.

  It seems that their relationship is good enough to touch at will.

  [Qin Yitan's favorability value is rising, and the host continues to work hard. ]
  Lin Xinmeng's excitement was beyond words, when he wanted to shake Lu Yang's arm, the latter quietly withdrew his hand.

  Lu Yang raised his eyelids for a while, "I can give you a favor."

  Lin Xinmeng and Qin Yitan were overjoyed.

  "However..." Lu Yang pursed his lips, and said with a slight smile: "Adult beauty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation."

  Lin Xinmeng's expression froze suddenly, and he stared at Lu Yang in a daze.

  "Apologizing upside down is Senior Qin's unique skill. He wants to take this opportunity to show off. How can I bear to refuse?

  " Say yes?"

  The question was thrown to Lin Xinmeng.

  Although Lu Yang's voice was as calm as boiled water, it carried an inexplicable deterrent force.

  People do not know how to refuse.

  Lin Xinmeng stayed where he was, and nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

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