Chapter 161 - 170

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ঞChapter 161 Junior Sister's Asura Field
  He Kongqing's appearance is cold, but there is a sense of security and harmony.

  He stood up and looked at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  He Huaijing looked back and forth between the two, and after a while, he said, "You know each other?"

  Lu Yang: "High school classmate, friend."

  "I'm his son." He Kongqing said.

  Lu Yang was slightly surprised, but not surprised.

  She had heard from Gu Liye that He Huaijing had a rebellious son who didn't listen to the family's arrangement and went to study psychology.

  Although He Kongqing usually stood on the united front with them, Lu Yang was not interested in digging into his background, and only heard from Ye Cixing that the situation in He Kongqing's family was quite complicated.

  He Huaijing was stunned for a second, and the brows were still solemn: "I know me, so I won't introduce much." "

  Lu Yang, the hospital is planning to set up a psychology department, and Kongqing is an imported talent. The department and neurosurgery are on the first floor. You Take him to familiarize himself with the hospital."

  He Huaijing felt at ease with Lu Yang, whether it was interpersonal relationship or professional ability.

  "Kong Qing, follow Lu Yang to get to know the hospital well, go."


  soon as he left the house, He Kongqing took the initiative to tell her, "There's no need to introduce the hospital, I'm already familiar with the hospital.


  She pursed her lips and started to smile: "Do they know that you are coming here?" Here you are."

  Lu Yang glanced at the time, it was still early, "Yes."

  The psychology clinic is different from other clinics, the former has many interesting things, such as psychological self-help equipment, psychological sand, psychological assessment system, psychological relaxation equipment, Emotional catharsis equipment, etc.

  Lu Yang sat down, and He Kongqing poured her a glass of warm water, "Last time at the club, you told me that you were together?"

  Who are you. There is no doubt - she and Jiang Yanzhou.

  Lu Yang lowered his eyelids, took a sip of water, and replied, "Yeah." "

  There is a viewpoint in the book "The Brothers Karamazov", one should love a concrete person, not an abstract person." He Kongqing asked clearly, " To you, is Jiang Yanzhou that specific person?"

  Lu Yang frowned indistinctly, as if he didn't really want to tell him, and changed the subject easily: "Is the psychotherapy starting?"

  He Kong Qingbie looked at her meaningfully, and after a while, said: "Any treatment requires both parties to have the intention to cooperate, trust each other, and not be defensive." After a pause, he said again: "You don't care about what happened in the past

  . What, is it?"

  Lu Yang raised his eyelids, his black eyes were calm: "You are right."

  Her past is not that important, her brother's future is the most important.

  Therefore, she does not pay attention, and does not actively explore what happened in the past.

  He Kongqing opened the drawer, took out a file bag, and handed it to her.

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