Chapter 71 - 80

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ঞChapter 71 Obsessed, without loss of proportion,
  a weird atmosphere suddenly rises around, subtle and embarrassing.

  I'm here to touch you...

  What ambiguous and thought-provoking words.

  Realizing that he lost his composure, Lu Yang took a step forward, narrowed the distance, and said apologetically,
  "Sorry, I was abrupt again."

  Jiang Yanzhou calmly avoided her gaze.

  "It's okay."

  Lu Yang continued to explain: "I usually like to study the structure of the human body. Last time I shook hands with you and touched your bulging veins, I was a little dazzled by blood vessels." Others were dazzled by

  beauty , while she is being vascularized.

  In public, she said that touching his hand was her rudeness first, but he didn't make it difficult for her, and agreed to her request, which is already easy to talk about.

  Now she said it again.

  If it were someone else, they might have thought she was crazy, and then blasted her away with insults.

  Hearing her words, Jiang Yanzhou raised the corners of his lips, smiled thinly, and said meaningfully: "It's not the first time."

  Lu Yang didn't hear clearly, "What?

  " A little hobby," Jiang Yanzhou said, "I understand."

  His hand, like a willow leaf, was slender and clear, and he was slowly rubbing the edge of the phone.

  Lu Yang thought for a while, looked away from his hand, raised his eyelashes, and asked straightforwardly: "Did we know each other before?"

  This sentence is the same as saying that she wants to touch his hand, and it is easy to make people feel that she has intentions for him. Unruly.

  But after thinking about it, she still asked.

  Because the first time she heard his voice, she felt familiar.

  As if seen in a dream.

  Jiang Yanzhou's clear pupils revealed a bewitching ray of light, and met her gaze again.

  For a moment, he said word by word: "You want to touch me, why do you make it up?"

  His answer seemed to have heard the overtones, and it seemed that he deliberately eased the awkward atmosphere between the two.

  Lu Yang suddenly smiled softly.

  Several things can indeed be connected to this conclusion.

  ——She tried her best to find excuses in order to touch him.

  His jokes swept away her entangled thoughts in the chaos.

  Lu Yang had to admit that Jiang Yanzhou could suppress her doubts with just a few words.

  This person is much more sophisticated than her brother, no wonder he is the most popular actor in the entertainment industry.

  Dedicated, cherish feathers, don't talk much but every sentence is useful.

  The corner of Lu Yang's mouth raised a sociable smile, with a calm and natural expression:

  "Our family's genetic diseases are all engraved in our genes. If my brother does something wrong, I will also apologize to you here."

  The reason why he went to visit the class was that his brother had threatened him by means. Such a shrewd person would definitely not let others coerce him at will.

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