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Risa walked to the door with them. 

Shu is still holding Daiki. 'I'll be home soon enough. Be good to your mother.' After a kiss, he gives the baby to her. 

'She's not alone,' promises Laito. I have everything I need in her bedroom. You don't leave my sight unless you need to go to the bathroom. 

She knows and stays next to Laito. 'We'll be fine. Promise to stay away from Ruki? You beat him up already. There is no need in stalking him.' 

'Only if he does something to you and him.' Shu noticed a sleepy smile and stroked his cheek. 'I'll teleport back when I'm in the car.' It's the only way to get a little privacy with you two. Shu gets in last and they drive away. 

Laito teleports them back to her room. 'He's back before you know it.' He thinks of something else. 'Nowadays, he just gets in the car and teleports straight home. I'm sure it's to get some time and privacy with you two.' 

She puts Daiki in his crib and turns to her desk, which is new for a week, to continue her diamond painting. 'This is almost done too.' 

'I saw it,' he nods with a grin. 'When he can see what it is, he'll love it. Do you like it or is this a one-time-only thing?' 

'No, I'm starting to like it. It's a way to distract myself and keep busy.' She gets everything ready. 'I mean, you have a butler for the household. Reiji is the one who's in charge of your family dinner and cooks. When Daiki is asleep, I can do something for myself. It's not like I sleep every time he does.' 

He understands. 'That's true. Well, until one o'clock tonight, it's just us three.' 


Hearing something, Laito turns his head at the crib. 'I see you are waking up.' And your mother is in the bathroom for the moment. He puts his book down and lifts him up. 'I guess you want my help and your mother's. Me first.' He's just done when she comes back. 'I cleaned his diaper but he's hungry as well.' 

'Alright, this happens sometimes.' She gets comfortable on her bed and pulls the feeding pillow on her lap. Then she gets her son in her arms. 'I know I can't do this in privacy anymore.' 

He holds up a blanket. 'I can give you a little moment of privacy, but you know why we do this. Don't give them a window of opportunity.' 

'You can put it over Daiki.' She feels him drinking and gets the blanket over Daiki. 'And I know, Laito. This is not the time to be picky.' 

'Thank you for understanding. It can't be easy because we have given you a lot of privacy since he's here. For feeding, taking a shower alone, or a bath together with him. Do you want to take a bath with him?' He grabs his book but doesn't open it. 

She shakes no. 'Sunday, and with Shu there. I have to wear a bikini for a while if I want to take a bath with him.' Or I can stay with someone else, and he takes a bath with Daiki. Maybe some father and son time will help with their bond as well. 

'I'm sorry, Mama-chan. If it wasn't for those four and their antics to kidnap you twice, you would have a little more freedom.' He puts his book away. 

'Don't be, it's not your fault.' She peeks under the blanket. 'Just try to convince them not to do anything. What would they gain from it anyway? Nothing but a war between two families.' 

Laito gets up and goes to the window. 'They are not just a family. All four come from different families...' 

'It's called a found family. Just because they aren't related by blood doesn't mean they can't be family,' she interrupts him. 

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