chapter 6 panic

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*After waking Roy up and everyone calming down a bit. We see the 3 sitting down while they looked at the answering machine still not believing it, Roy hit the play button and they heard it for the 7th time*

Marinette:Jason h... hey it's ummm Marinette you know the French pixie? I need to tell you something and i don't want to do it on your machine. It's uh kinda important you life and death important, why did i say death? It's not death, and absolutely nothing to be scared of I hope. It has to do with life it umm i..I'm pregnant yeah i ummm pretty sure it's yours the doctor said I'm 6 weeks and we...did it 6 weeks ago me back please

*Jason was in a state of shock looking at the blasted box with a black eye while Artemis was glaring at him*

Jason: I'm gonna be a father....what the fuck am i gonna do?!

Roy;how the hell are we supposed to know?! Why did you have your number?!

Jason: because I'm not you scumbag!

Roy:and look where that got you! You are screwed! You should've hit it and quit it like i always tell you!

Jason:hey I'm an asshole but not that much of an asshole, now i need some real advice!!

Artemis:call her

Jason:i can't call her!!

Artemis:and why not?

Jason:what do i say? "Hey girl sorry i can't be a father because I'm busy being a security guard with a gun fetish?!"


*Jason gave a playful glare at Marinette who was holding her giggles as she was the one who said that part of the story*

Jason:like your one to talk? Before i met you, you had your bed filled with plushies

Marinette:true, but most of those plushies are now owned by Marin and Thomas not me

Jason:so if i go to our room serñor huggybear won't be on our bed? totally have a gun fetish

*Marinette said with a blush on her face making Jason had a smug smirk*

Jason:and you love it, I've seen that twinkle in your eye when we go to the gun range

Marinette:I'm a mother i have no twinkle for guns or anything violent

Jason:i have a video of you with a minigun that begs to differ, or the one with the flamethrower

*Marinette glared at Jason making him cackle before continuing with the story*

Back to the past

Jason:what the hell do i say to her?! I can't be a father!

Artemis:so what? Your planning on never calling her? I knew you to be a man of many things Jason but never a coward

Jason:this is different!

Artemis:how? Your not scared or dying of a gunshot but your scared of being a parent? Or at least paying child support

Jason:hey now, how do I even know it's my child?

Artemis:correction a deadbeat dad like your own father

*Jason stood up instantly angry of being compared to his biological drunk of a father, Artemis remained strong not showing even an inkling of being scared. She crossed her arms and scoffed*

Jason:don't you dare compare me to him...

*Jason didn't scream but his was cold and promised pain if she didn't chose her words carefully*

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