chapter 17 the hood meets the bug

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Damian:wait wait... Did you just say sabre blade? She's a filthy European swordman?

*Damian said in disgust. Marinette snorted at him as she was trying not to laugh*

Marinette:you remind me so much of her. She has the same reaction on anyone that uses the Japanese style blades and fighting styles

Damian:where is this....thing now?

Marinette:in New York with her wife probably having a miserable time dealing with Chloe's mother

Jason:oh God that woman what a piece of work she is

*Jason said groaning remembering the few times he met her*

Bruce:that bad?

Jason:twice as bad as anyone in Gotham since she actually has the skills to back up her entitlement.

Marinette: As much as i don't like her she's fantastic at what she does

Jason:I'm shock did you finally forgive her? Since last time you say as much as you want to kill her

*Jason said chuckling as Marinette huffed crossing her arms*

Marinette:yeah no.

Barbara:what did you do?

Marinette:she tried to steal Jason for Chloe since she doesn't approve Chloe being with Kagami

Selina:oh poor baby, so I'm guessing things are better now? I mean they did go to visit her for Christmas

Marinette:things are....calmer now. Audrey still doesn't like it but she's come to accept it and tolerate it

Jason;yeah because if she didn't stop her husband would file for divorce and bye bye luxury life

Marinette:anyway we got of topic. She's in New York she'll be here in a few days since she's doing Christmas in New York but new years here. That reminds me what are you all doing for new years?

*Jason groaned seeing how exited Bruce and dick got already feeling the headache*

Bruce:well i don't see why we couldn't extend our vacation another week or two will give me more time to spend with the grandchildren that were taken from me

Jason:my god your so extra, you have Mar'i

Bruce:one grandchild is not nearly enough

Jason:you heard him dick make him more grandbabies so he'll leave me alone

Dick:very funny

Marinette:oh Jason stop being so...well you, we would be more then happy if you guys stayed longer it would give us a chance to get to know each other and for you all to get to know your new family members

*Marinette said smiling brightly, Jason just slumped down on the couch knowing he lost this one*

Jason:fine but they ain't staying here we don't have the room

Bruce:deal. Now Marinette please continue the tale of how my son got what he deserved

Jason:really feeling the love B

*Marinette just giggled and her and jason continued*


*Jason was running away from Kagami who giving she was an athlete was actually gaining on him, Jason took a corner and Kagami grinned from ear to ear since when she turned the corner she saw Jason trapped since there was a huge wall he couldn't jump over*

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