chapter 36

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Marinette;now that we've finally reached this part of the story there's one important thing someone needs to do. Bruce apologize

*The room quickly became cold as Bruce did a double take at Marinette who stopped smiling and looked genuinely angry*

Bruce:e...excuse you?

Marinette:you heard me quite clear. My husband saved a mother and her unborn child from a lunatic and all you did was to scream and disown him. So apologize for doing that

Bruce: I'll do nothing of the sort. I've made my stance quite clear with him, he broke a rule he must be punished

Marinette:I see

*Marinette got up and opened the door, everyone eyes widen at what she was doing and Jason was falling in love all over again*

Tim"she wouldn't...."

Marinette:then get out of my house

Bruce:you're kidding

Marinette:nope, either you apologize to my husband and admit that YOU were in the wrong not him or you can leave right now and be banned from seeing you're grandchildren you're choice. What's more important your code or you're family?

*Everyone looked at Bruce who was looking at Marinette with a raised eyebrow*

Bruce:and If I refuse to play?

Marinette: I'll call the police and they'll force you out, oh just imagine what that will do to your public image, billionaire Bruce Wayne forced out of a home because he was a huge baby that can't admit he's wrong

Bruce:you would seriously do this over something that happened over 5 years ago?

Marinette:did you ever apologize?

Bruce: that's beside the point

Marinette:it's directly connected to the point. Now I'll be nice since I'm sure I must've used some big words that you didn't understand and for that I'm sorry

*Marinette said her once sweet tone now filled with venom out of nowhere as her gaze never left Bruce's gaze*

Marinette:give my husband a proper apology or leave my home since you forgot one tiny detail Mr. Wayne

Bruce:and what would that be?

*Marinette started walking to Bruce, she grabbed his tie and pulled him close to her so there were eye to eye and couldn't look somewhere else. The Wayne family were surprised at her boldness*

Jason"god what did I do to ever get this lucky?"

Marinette:since this isn't Gotham this isn't your home everything here is under my name and paid for by my money so you have no say in anything now what's it gonna be? Pride or family?

*Bruce and Marinette glared at each other as the rest of the Wayne family looked with baited breathes*

Bruce:fine, you win move back a little

*Marinette huffed and gave Bruce his space, Bruce got up dusting himself off and to a surprise to no one he just walked away. Selina sighed and got up giving Marinette a smile*

Selina:I'll talk with the big baby don't worry, please continue the story

Marinette:fine, but tell him he's not welcome in this house without an apology

*Selina nodded and walked out to catch up with Bruce, Marinette sat down next to Jason smiling like nothing happened*

Marinette:now let's continue

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