chapter 19 abba

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Selina;you told him you love him? After one month? You got some guts it took my lovely husband over her 8 years to tell me that

*Bruce rolled her eyes muttering something that they couldn't hear*

Marinette:i mean yeah? He's my husband, the father of our children. Not to mention we've spend almost a month together living together, i quickly fell for all of Jason's qualities

Tim:he has good qualities?

Jason:more then you, you coffee adicticted gremlin

Marinette: I'll have you know jason is funny, dependable, strong, a fantastic cook and I'm not joking he's one a few local cooking contests in the last 5 years


Marinette:oh yes wait here I'll go get the book

*Marinette left walking fast, and walking past the children/Damian playing with Barry and Oliver. Jason puffed his chest out in pride as a smug smile fell on his face*

Jason;told you i know how to cook Al i should be allowed in the kitchen again and not these other miscreants

Damian:this coming from the man that got blood on Alfred's good rags

Jason:i was a dumb teenager like you and Tim what do you expect from me?

Alfred:enough, Jason if what your wife saying is true i would love to have some food of yours some day

Marinette:oh you'll love it! He makes the best Pot-au-Feu by miles

*Marinette said smiling as she gave the book to Alfred, he opened it with the rest of the batfamily going around him to see them , multiple photos and first place ribbons were there all for Jason and his cooking. A small smile grew on poor old Alfred's face glad that at least one person in the family could live such a normal life* marvelous but i do believe we should continue the story. Last we were you talked about when Jason was back in Gotham

Jason:ah right well after she said i love you i went to sleep and woke up still in a daze i was just out of it....


*Jason was at the breakfast table, no homemade breads, jams,or butter no. All he had to eat as old cereal and milk that was 2 days from going bad, his roommates were looking at him weirdly as Jason had a face that wasn't all there*

Artemis:alright what happened

Jason: love you ...

*The room got tense as Artemis broke her glass*

Artemis:. . The duck did you just say to me?

Jason:she said i love you ....

*Artemis calmed down and looked at him weird, Roy rolled his eyes*

Roy:he didn't tell you he loves you, you dumb beach, he's acting all pathetic like that over the fact this girl said i love you to him

Artemis:the hell did you just call me?

Roy:did i stutter?

*Artemis jumped the table as she and Roy started punching each other while friends they were like cats and dogs with Jason normally being the peacemaker. Only this time he was a little busy in his own little world*

Jason:she said i love you....

*Jason got up and walked away, by the time he got his mind in order he somehow made it to the home of his family, he walked inside and it was pitch dark*

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