chapter 8 a spark

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*they walked out of the clinic in silence each looking at there individual pictures of the monitor*

Jason: it's so tiny...

Marinette; yeah...

*Subconsciously Marinette rubbed her belly, she saw Jason looking at it with want, Marinette gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand, Jason flinched feeling scared that just by touching her belly he'll mess the kid up for life*



Jason:shut it or I'll switch all your coffee to decaf

*Marinette and Tim gasped at the same time insulted that someone could be so cruel to the nectar of the gods. Just as Jason was about to continue he felt a tug on his  pants,Jason looked down smiling seeing Marin there. Jason grabbed her daughter and lifted her up*

Jason:hey honey done playing?

*Marin nodded yes and cuddled with her father, the Wayne saw another side of Jason the way he was looking at his daughter as if she was the most precious thing in the world, Bruce feeling a little jealous*

Bruce;hey honey nice to meet you I'm your grandpa Bruce

*Marin looked at Bruce then his in Jason's chest*

Marin:your not my grandpa

*Bruce felt as if someone stabbed him in the heart, while Jason was having a coughing fit trying to hide his laughter*

Marinette;oh honey he is, you know how grandpa Tom and grandma Sabine are my parents? Well Mr. And Mrs. Wayne are daddy's parents

Marin:but he's scary...

*Another stab in Bruce's heart and Jason was hitting his leg as he was holding by a thread, Selina had no shame and was having a small laugh at her husband's expense*

Bruce:well....what can I do to be less scary?


Scene change

Jason:this is the 3rd best day of my life

*Jason said as tears fell from his face as Bruce Wayne Mr. Batman himself was wearing make up, a tiara and having a princess party with the other princesses Mar'i and Marin and the prince Thomas*

Marinette:i still don't get why you chose to be a princess

Bruce:Thomas had the only crown

Marinette:no he didn't there like 5 in the attic


*Bruce looked at Jason with the most angriest glare he could give while wearing cheap make up. Jason who wasn't holding his laughter anymore and was taking so many pictures, the rest of the family had similar reactions. This is something Bruce knows he will never be let to live it down*

Marinette: well for what it's worth i think you make a wonderful princess Mr. Wayne

Bruce: please call me Bruce....and thank you

*Bruce said as he drank the tea Alfred poured them*

Alfred: would the princesses like some cookies?


Selina:well while my hus...while my wife has her fun with the other princesses

Bruce:i promise i will get my revenge on all of you for this

*Bruce said as serious as he could be while having a princess discussion*

Selina:sure you will honey, Marin sweety i think princess Bruce needs more lipsticks

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