chapter 34

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???:now landing welcome to Gotham City

*Jason sighed as he got out of the plane and walked out of the airport seeing Alfred waiting for her*

Alfred:welcome home master Todd

Jason:hey Al it's... Good to be back, thanks for picking me up

*Jason said forcing a smile on his face, they got inside the limo and drove off*

Jason:so, how's things been since I've been gone?

Alfred:oh, same old same old. Master Bruce wants to have a word with you back home I'm afraid even I can't save you there

*Jason groaned loudly not wanting to deal with Bruce or anybody for that matter*

Jason"all I want to do is crawl in my room and sleep"

Jason:well I'm already feeling like shit so fins what's more do pile up on me?

*Jason grumpled sinking in to his seat, Alfred looked at through the glass*

Alfred;I take it the mission did not go as desired?

Jason:the mission? Oh uh yeah the mission it.... Was successful

Alfred:you don't seem very happy about that

*Alfred said unlike Bruce and his emotionless ass, Alfred had no fear showing genuine concern on his face*


Bruce:so this is just gonna be a trash Bruce Wayne Day?

Jason:hey you crashed my family's Christmas so yes, very much so just be thankful your not batman or hal Jordan

Selina:Hall Jordan? The green lantern? Why do you hate him?

Marinette:oh BECAUSE it's common knowledge in Paris that when ladybug asked for help form the Justice League Hal Jordan was the one who answered and said she was making it all up.

Bruce"note to self find hal Jordan and ring him a new one in the yellow suit until he's nice and bloody"

*Bruce thought darkly, his hand bawled in to fist so hard his knuckles turned white*

Meanwhile in Oa

*Hal shivered not knowing why but feeling a tingle of absolute fear*

Guy:what's the matter with you?

Hal:n..nothing nothing I hope anyway...

Back to earth

Marinette:Which then cause the battle of ladybug vs hawkmoth to last another 5 fricking years of emotional terrorism. So yeah any and all green lantern are not well liked in Paris, defender of earth my ass

*Marinette grumbled, her teenage years completely wasted because of that green asshole, but not like she's bitter or anything. No no of course not*

Marinette:anyways I rather this not turn into a pity Party Jason continue

Jason:right so Alfred said "you don't seem very happy about that"

Back to the past

Jason:ever had to do something that your heart tells you is wrong but you know it's for the greater good?

Alfred:boy I was in the army of course I have many times do you deal with it?

*Alfred thought of what do say for a moment*

Alfred:i remember that everything I've done I did it for my country and the people I love, tell me Jason can you say you did the same


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