chapter 33

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Thoughts:she didn't sleep because of you, because you couldn't control your anger. What's gonna happen when you get angry at her? Are you gonna break her jaw?

Jason:I would never do that

*Jason said through gritted teeth trying to ignore all his thoughts, he froze when a mental image of Marinette on the ground with a black eye and Jason his complete green completely consumed by the pit's madness laughing at it. Jason had to let go of the control before he breaks it. Slowly more and more thought consumed his mind his eyes turning more and more green until he was fully in the pit with only one thought in mind*

Jason"you have to leave in order to keep her safe"



*Every single person was looking at Jason who had the decency to look embarrassed, Jason scratched his cheek as he looked out the window*

Jason:to be fair everyone here knows how I get when the pit acts up

Marinette:that's the only reason why I didn't make you in to an ugly woman when you did that dumbass plan

*Damian nodded in agreement from her sister in law. Bruce frowned looking at Jasonette*

Bruce:so you know about the pit huh

*Jason glared at Bruce for again only caring about his secrets, Marinette raised her hand to stop the two of them*

Marinette:I know enough

Marinette "like how the pit is just plagg's snot when he sneezed one time"

*Marinette trembled a little in disgust but then gave a hard gaze at Bruce*

Marinette:I know enough to know why your relationship with your son can be so strained and I agree with Jason, I don't blame Tim for anything but seriously 6 months and  you thought Jason wouldn't see it as if he was replaced?

*Tim nodded he always agreed that Bruce forced himself to get over Jason too quickly. Jason just smiled lovingly at Marinette while Bruce could do nothing but take it*

Alfred:hm, it seems you have a special power Marinette. Like me your one of the few that can call master Bruce out and he'll actually listen

Marinette:then to borrow a phrase from my friend Chloe. It's ridiculous utterly ridiculous that he will listen to us but he won't even consider his children's point of view

Selina:oh honey believe me I've tried to make him more opened minded but he just won't accept any worldview but his own

Bruce:I'm standing right here you know

*Selina gave her husband a kiss and gave him her ' I'mma be a little shit' grin*

Selina:yes honey now why don't you follow in Jason's footsteps and look pretty while the adults are talking

*Dick, Tim, Kori, Barbara snorted or gave some sort of small laughter, Damian and Alfred had small smirks on there faces while Jason just pointed and laughed at Bruce. After things calmed down Marinette spoke again*

Marinette:alright, alright we can discuss more about what I do and don't know when we get there, since Jason told me at month 5 best you keep listening to the story before you reveal something I don't know

*Bruce frowned with his arms cross but it had absolutely no affect on Marinette who just ignored him*

Marinette:alright, so after my beloved brain went in to his stupid mode he slowly started distancing himself from me not enough to be a problem but Enough for me to notice

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