chapter 15 how Jason got a cracked rib

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*Tom let Marinette go and she walked back to Jason both looking rather nervous. The parents noticed the hand holding and they squinted there eyes*

Tom: Marinette?

Marinette:uh, mom dad I'm just gonna come out and say it, meet Jason my husband and....father of your grandchild


*Sabine and Tom looked shocked looking between Marinette, Jason and Marinette's stomach. Sabine was the first to come out of her shock but Tom was the first to speak*

Tom;your....your what?

*Tom said still not believing what he heard. Marinette took a breath to gain some strength and looked at her parents again with a mixed of fear and determination*

Marinette:I'm pregnant, you are both going to be grandparents and Jason is the father of my child

Sabine:ho...honey....why don't you both go upstairs while we close the shop and then we

*Sabine said in a calm tone that creeped Marinette out.Sabine and Tom, closed shop while Marinette grabbed Jason's hand and guided him to there living room*

Jason:so....that was certainly a reaction

Marinette:oh trust me it's going to get have insurance right?

*Jason chuckled awkwardly when he saw Marinette was telling the truth he gulped a little*

Jason:uh yeah i do

*Marinette nodded and let Jason sit down on the couch while she walked to the kitchen*

Marinette:I'll make us some tea to calm the mood. Just stay there and relax everything will be ok

Jason:i feel like i should tell you that you shouldn't just....remember you told me you would do anything for me

Jason:i know just breath

*Marinette sighed but nodded she went deeper in the kitchen to make the tea. Jason looked around the room seeing the family pictures on the walls and tables one caught his eye*

 Jason looked around the room seeing the family pictures on the walls and tables one caught his eye*

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Jason:so....I'm guessing your parents don't know that you and your ex separated?

*Marinette looked at a smirking Jason as he pointed to the picture of her and Adrien. Marinette scowled grabbed the picture and threw it at the trash*

Marinette:if you see any other like this repeat what i did, and no i didn't tell them. Never got around do it

Jason:it's fine. Actually that's...that's give me an idea on what to tell your parents

Marinette:then please I'm all ears


Scene change

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