chapter 60

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Last time In the prologue
Bruce: Jason, you better start explaining why you've kept this from us, why I've missed 5 years of my grandma's life, and more importantly, how all of this even happened.
Jason: So yeah, that's how I met Marinette and how I've become a father. Honestly, it was a bloody long story. It felt like I'd been talking for 61 hours.
*Jason said with a stretch. Marinette grinned at him and stole a kiss from the lips, a kiss Jason was more than happy to return.*
Jason: I need a favor. Take the kids and go for a walk. I need to talk to my family about the secret. 
Marinette: Okay, Jayjay, come on, lovelies, let's go to a cafe. I'll buy you all some donuts, but more importantly, I'll buy myself some coffee!
*Marinette said with a big smile as she walked to the door with the kids following. Marinette looked at her husband one final time, giving him a loving smile.
Marinette: I meant it then, and I mean it now. I don't regret it, Jayjay, not a single part of it. You were the best thing that ever happened to me.
Jason: I feel the same way; without you, I would be lost, and my life would be so dark without you and the kids. I'm so glad to have you in my life, and I will be forever grateful to have met you at that bar so many years ago.
Jason said with a small but sincere smile on his face. Marinette blew him a kiss as she walked away, closing the door. Jason sighed his smile, not leaving but changing to a more forced one.
Jason:I already told the outsiders this the day my children were born, so Kori already knows. But I'm done.
Tim: I have a feeling I know what you mean, but please continue.
*Tim said, everyone looked at Jason, wondering what he'd say.*
Jason: I'm done with the red hood. I'm done with the vigilante life. I'm retiring the suit; I'm just Jason Todd, who assists MDC and is the is the father of two children. To be honest, I've been retired for years, but I'm just letting you all know. 
Dick, are you serious about this?
Jason gave Dick a look that told him all he needed to know—he meant it. The red hood is retired.
Dick:why? I mean, I get that you have your children to think about, but look at me and Kori. We're both heroes and parents; it's not impossible to be both.
Jason: uhu, Alfred How many of the Mar'i dance recitals have these two missed?
Dick flinched, and Kori sighed. He had this same conversation five years ago, when the kids were born. Now it was Dick's turn to suffer the tongue-lashing.
Alfred: almost all of them; they've only managed to be there for one of them. Even then, they overcompensated for that event, embarrassing Mar'i, the poor girl.
Dick: Hey, that's not fair; the court of owls kept popping up. It's not my fault. William was an owl agent.
*Dick said, feeling attacked. He did try to be there for his daughter; really, he did, but something always came up.*
Alfred: Yes, but even he didn't miss a single recital of his daughter's dance. 
Jason: Oh, moving on. How many parent-teacher conferences did you go to at that place?
Jason said, raising his hand to stop Dick from trying to defend himself. Alfred placed his hand on his chin.
Alfred: Around 90% of them
Jason: How many times did that poor girl have to eat alone or with you because Nightwing and Star Fire were needed for the teen titans?
*At that, Kori looked guilty since she remembered all the times she had to eat alone in the palace.*
Alfred: Too many to count 
Jason: And that's why I quit. Look, I'm not trying to call you out or be an asshole; you have responsibilities, and I get that. 
Jason said with a nod. He glanced at a picture on the wall of the Todd family all at Disneyland wearing Mickey ears. He couldn't help but smile.
Jason: I made my choice. I chose to put my wife and children first in my responsibility; being a parent is 85% just being there for them. And I would never want to miss an event in Marin's or Thomas  lives. You two, on the other hand, want to have both; you want to be there for Mar'i and love her. I'm not saying you don't. But you also love being heroes, and you just can't be both. 
*Jason said as he gave Dick a stern look on his face.*
Jason: You can be a good father, or you can be a good hero, but you can't be both. If you try, you'll either be shy at both or spend more time being one thing than the other. And that's not the life I want for me or my kids.
Jason:In Marinette's case, she spends more time being a mother than a ladybug."
*Jason thought, while Dick sighed with his arms crossed. He wanted to disagree; he wanted to tell Jason that he, in fact, can do both and do them well, but he can't. Even Bruce Wayne could barely do it.
Bruce: So no more vigilantes for you?
Jason: No, I haven't used that costume since I became a father, well, except for Halloween.
Jason said with a small smirk. Jason got up and stretched.
Jason: Well, I'm going to go catch up to my wife. Does Alfred want to join me? Since I know you guys didn't come here for me—well,  not completely for me. So what is it anyway?
Bruce: The court of owls wants to capture something called miraculous; we don't know what it is. But it can't be good. If need be, I'll keep whatever the miracles are in the bat cave.
Jason nodded as he gave them all a bit of small talk before he and Alfred left, both of them with the same thoughts.
Alfred/Jason: They're going to get their asses kicked if they try to take the miracle from Marinette/Ladybug."
They both thought as Jason led the way to Marinette's special coffee shop. Once there, Jason smiled softly, seeing Marinette there making silly faces and voices to entertain the kids. Jason felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked at his grandfather, who was smiling proudly at him.
Alfred, you have a terrific wife. Jason
Jason:I do, I really do...
Scene change 
The day of the Wayne gala 
Jason: Hey, why are you making me do this? We're parents, and Marin has that project for school. 
Marinette:Alfred is helping her with that.
Marionette said she was putting the finishing touches on her make-up. They were both in Jason's old room in the manor, and after much convincing, Jason agreed to let his children come to Gotham. They and Mar'i were currently being babysat by Alfred.
Marinette: And honey, this is a big opportunity for me. Bruce even made the event center around me. "The great MDC will finally make a public appearance." I can't really bail because my trophy husband doesn't want to mingle. 
Jason: Hey, hey, I'm all about the mingle. But mingling with people like me, not rich snobs that only give a crap about me because my last name is Wayne 
Jason said with a huff. He put on his tie but couldn't make a knot since he was so stressed out having his family in Gotham. He calmed down when he felt Marinette's hands on his cheek with a soft smile.
Marinette: Oh, honey, that's not true; they give a crap about you because you're my husband. 
*Marinette said with a cheeky smile that made Jason snicker. Marinette hummed and fixed Jason's tie, giving him that smile that made him fall for her all those years ago. She gave him a peck on the lips and grabbed her clutch.*
Marinette: Now come on, let's go.
Jason: Hold up, you think that's going to tie me over?
Jason said with a grin as he pulled Marinette to him. Marinette gave a small yelp and a giggle.
Marinette: Oh, Jason, we're going to be late!
Jason: fashionably late, my love. Now let's see how smudge proof that lipstick~
*Jason said, kissing her passionately as they slowly fell on the bed. He released her and started leaving hickies on Marinette's neck. The last thing anyone could hear outside the door was Marinette's moan.
Marinette;oh Jayjay~!
After the make-out session 
At the gala
Jason: Somebody kill me again."
*Jason thought behind Marinette as she talked to some rich, fat woman who's from the opera.*
Gaby: Oh, I'm sure your dresses are...cute, but I'm here for MDC. 
Marinette: Oh, well, if you ever change your mind, let me know. I've always been such a fan of your work in Carmen. 
*Marinette said she was lying completely since the only time she went on an opera was for the Ride the Cyclones musical. Jason smirked a little since Marinette couldn't stop singing the ballad of Jane Doe.
Jason"She sure knows what buttons to push."
Jason thought as he saw the woman react positively and talk with Marinette for another 10 minutes before leaving, but she did leave Marinette with her card.
Jason: Oh, God, finally
Marinette: Oh, come on, she was nice. 
Jason: She called your designs cute; that's not nice; that's rich folk talk for "I'm not interested; please don't ask me again."
Marinette: Hm, you choose to see it that way; I choose to see it as she thinks my outfit is cute; besides, it's not my fault that my scarf doesn't match the outfit I'm wearing now, is it?
*Marinette asked with a fake angry glare, and Jason grinned smugly as he leaned closer to her ear using his extra husky voice.*
Jason: I remember you didn't say stop it at any point, my little pixie~ 
Marinette: Oh, Jayjay, stop it.
*Marinette said with a faint blush on her cheeks as she slapped him playfully on the chest. Jason was about to ask her for a dance when Bruce walked up to them.
Bruce: Everything is set up; are you ready? 
Marinette: As I'll ever be. 
*Marinette gave Jason a kiss on the cheek to tie Jason over and winked at him.*
Marinette: Save a dance for me, love. 
Jason: I'll save everyone; no one can dance like you can. 
*Marinette rolled her eyes lovingly and walked away with Bruce. With a small sigh, he walked to get some food. He stopped when he heard a voice he hadn't heard in a few years.
Lila: Oh yes, I can totally get you an appointment with MDC; I'm a close personal friend. 
be continued, or there are 2 chapters left on Patreon.
Gracias especiales, ah:
Ben knight
Jacob Mooe
nT_wolf 0
Ayham Alqaissi
José Ruiz de Austri 
Thai Nguyen
Trevor Ferguson
Ty Kennedy 
Jameil fluker 
William Washington 
True V. Munoz-Bennett
Shawn sachs
Jamel Collins 
Alysha brown 
Ashley Coleman
Abbie Jackson
Jordan Mace 
Taivon cook
Kyla Evans 
Max bell
Darren Belcher 
Tyler Gist 
Charles Sims 
Brandiejo key 
Melissa Lopez 
Benjamin Cade Higgins 
Claude Smith
Isabella Allen
Ruth R
Bryton Maldonado 
Harrison J. Glass
Ana Ceja 
Levi letcher 
Ethan Staley 
Reece Maddox 
Lakaylynn Hillman 
Mihaela Graphics/Neagu 
Phoenix rampant 
Malcolm Angell 
Andrew Coleman 
Chris Quiterio
Thanks again for the donations.

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