chapter 40

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Jason:I uh,....forgot to exchanged them

Marinette:ha, don't worry love I got it

*Marinette paid for there treats and they left holding each other's hands as they enjoyed it. Overall it was a relaxing stroll until someone decided to ruin it*

Adrien:I knew that was you Mari!



*The door opened and in walked in selina and Selina alone. They all looked at her expectantly knowing that Bruce wouldn't be returning with her. Marinette seeing this got an angry scowl on her face*

Jason:don't let it get to you love, that man would rather lose his loved ones then admit that he might possibly maybe be wrong

Marinette;then he's gonna have one sad life where no one will be there for him. Anyway Selina let me get you caught up, please sit down

Selina: thank you dear, and I'm sorry my husband is such a stubborn mule

*Selina sat down and felt as if she was the chosen one, since marin decided to sit on her lap which Selina accepted immediately even wrapping her arms on her little waist*

Marinette:I'm sure you can say that about all men


Barbara:that's why I prefer dating women now so much simpler

Marinette:that's the same excuse Chloe gave me

*The girls laughed as Jason and Dick rolled there eyes. Damian simply didn't understand and Tim didn't much care either way*

Selina:anyway, I believe you wanted to catch me up? So tell me what happened after I left

Jason:I'll be right back love

Marinette:alright so....

*Marinette started getting her caught up, Jason kissed her cheek and walked out. It took a while but he found what he was looking for*

Jason:man, been a long time since I've seen you drink, what you got there scotch? Maybe some Hennessy? I would personally got for the Hennessy

*Jason said sitting down next to Bruce, he raised his hand and the bartender gave him a bottle of beer*


Jason:are you gonna say something? Because if it's just me talking I'll just be a monologue

Bruce: you're not gonna let me drink in peace?

*Jason hummed as he took a sip of his drink*

Jason:nop, tell me dumbass. Is that code of your really worth losing your family?

Bruce:I'm not gonna change my code Jason, killing is wrong. I don't care what you all call me, and yes I've heard what everyone calls me from the rest of the family to members of the Justice League. I'm not changing the code

Jason:seriously man, Selina changed her code where she barely steals unless she can't control herself, I changed my code where I don't kill unless there's no other  Choice, freaking Damian changed his code, you know your son that was trained by assassins? He still has a stick up his ass like father like son, but he did change his code. We all met you half way and you can't play nice with my wife?

*Bruce took a sip of his own drink and took a long sigh*

Bruce:what do you want from me Jason, without that code I won't be able to control myself. What your asking me is something I can't give you

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