Chapter 22

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1 week later

*Jason was being driven up the wall the boss has been up his ass all week about how to do things, not to use violence the usual but now it was more annoying then it used to be since all he wanted to do was to go back to Paris and check on Marinette*

Jason:I swear I'm one step from just insulting him out and go back to you

*We see Jason in his shared apartment, he was resting comfortably on the couch while he had Marinette on the phone*

Marinette: can't say i have that problem I've been self employed since I got out of highschool hell I was self employed since middle school

Jason: can't say I'm surprised with how amazing you are pixie. Hell next do you i look like a bum

Marinette:come on don't say that your the head of security for Wayne industries that's an amazing accomplishment, you can cook wonderful meals, your responsible, your strong, and um....q...quite good in bed

*Jason blushed feeling extremely weird being complimented, the way it came out of Marinette's mouth it was so natural and truthful. Well at least Jason wanted them to be truthful, but sadly like always when Jason has something good Roy has to ruin the mood*

Roy:hey uh Marinette was it? Yeah this is Roy a friend of your boy toy over here. Your on speaker and Jason is completely red

Marinette:.  .  .

*Marinette hung up feeling mortified, Jason looked at Roy with nothing but murder on his face As Roy had the gall to look smug about it*

Roy:what? If you wanted privacy you should've gone to your room~

*Jason screamed as he jumped on top of Roy getting 3 punch before Roy started punching back*

Scene change

*We see Jason being treated by bizarro2 while Roy was being treated by rose*

Bizarro2:what was the fight about this time?

Jason:Roy being Roy

Rose:yes we all know he's a miscreant but what specifically did he do?

Roy:nothing much just embarrassed him a little with that girl he's seeing

*Again Roy didn't say girl no, He said a word that rhymes with Beach. Jason looked at Roy furious as he tried to get up but bizarro2 made sure he remained firmly seated*

Jason:if you keep calling her that I swear....

Roy:come on man I'm only joking have a smoke or something. As a matter of fact here. Consider this a peace offering

*Roy said as he took out a carton of cigarettes and offered one to Jason who almost took it but he returned his hand where it was*

Jason:no... put it away I'm done with that

Roy:what are you on about now?

Jason:dude I'm about to be a father I need to quit smo....

*The sound of something breaking stopped Jason from talking as he looked and rose let a tray of glass cups fall from the shock that Jason Todd was going to be a father*

Rose:dear God the end of days must be coming soon....

Back to the present

Bruce:hold on hold on I just thought of something


Bruce:how many people knew before us?


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