chapter 42

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Author note:this story is finished, just published the last chapter on patreon, this story will end on chapter 62 aka the epilogue, till then:

Last time

*Jason lowered his hand and wrapped it around Marinette's waist as they walked*

Jason:well, your no longer in waiting, now your a Todd, Marinette Todd just rolls off the tongue

Marinette:well, Mr. Todd as your Mrs I ask you to if your gonna punch the cheater do it at night at least easier to have deniability



*They stopped telling the story when Marinette's phone started to ring*

Marinette:oh excuse me for a second, it could be important

*Marinette picked up her phone and gave a tired smiled  looking at who was calling her as she picked up*

Marinette: hello mother, how's the cruise? Are you and dad having a good time? Uhu that's nice, Jason is doing fine Mom, what? Uh I kinda have company, yeah Jason finally introduced his family to me, there with me right now, mom I'm not gonna do that, I said no mom no ma...and she hung up on me great

*Marinette said with a frustrated sigh, Jason chuckled as he got up and got the laptop from the room*

Bruce:I take it she wants to meet us? Can't imagine how she'll react when she finds out Todd is a Wayne

Marinette:yup, and wants me to meet and old friend of her. That woman, I love her really I do. But you can't have a normal conversation with her, ever since I let her in to my life again, she's been....pushy she wants to make sure I know that she loves me and that I'm important to her

*Jason returned with the laptop and hooked it up, not 2 minutes later did a zoom call appeared. Marinette took a deep breath as she plastered a smile every kid makes when they have to meet a friend of your parents. The call started and there was Sabine and Tom dupain Cheng*

Marinette:hey mom, you look good, love the Hawaii shirt on you dad

Tom:thanks sweetie so sorry for doing this, you know how your mother gets

Sabine:oh stop it she doesn't mind, now let me see my son in laws family I've always been curious!

*Marinette passed the laptop around so that everyone can say there hello's at the end Bruce and Selina were the last ones. Sabine looked at Bruce curiously*

Sabine:did anyone tell you you look like Bruce Wayne?

Bruce:well that's because I am Bruce Wayne nice to meet you Miss dupain Cheng

*Bruce said with a chuckle as he saw Sabine looking shocked and did a spit take of her piña colada*

Sabine:what?! But Jason's last name is Todd, how can he be a Wayne?

Bruce:it's complicated. But to make a long story short I adopted him and every one of my children except for Damian. So yes he is my son, next to me is my wife Selina Wayne.

*Selina scooted closer to the Camara and waved at them with a kind smile Tom looked surprised and rubbed the back of his neck*

Tom:well it's nice to meet you both, hopefully we can meet in person one day. Have a cup of tea and some macarons

Selina:oh yes we'll make a day of it. Now I do recall marinette saying that you wanted her to meet someone?

*Marinette gave a quiet groan as she waved the laptop to her, Selina gave a small coy smile and passed it on to her*

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