A Split Between Mind&Soul

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Chapter 1

As Detective Kendall Jones pulled up in her driveway she felt a subtle vibration in her back pocket. She grabbed her cellphone and said," What is it Chief?" Chief Williams replied, "I got a case for you," Detective Jones rolled her eyes. "Chief I'm already working on the robbery and the illegal drug transaction from Brazil can't you give this case to Melanie?" "NO! All those cases will be given to other people this person asked for you personally." "Okay Chief give it to me straight", Jones said. "The mayor's wife Mrs. Stephanie Washington has been getting threats by mail, now we don't know where they are coming from but these are not just normal threats who ever this is knows there stuff and means what they say." "Well Chief whoever it is has connection within security because all mail that goes to that house has to be checked, Right?" Right! And this is why I say they know their stuff." Eager to get off the phone Kendall ends the conversation by saying," Okay Chief I'll be on it early in the morning," and she hangs up the phone.

As Kendall sat in the car, thought of the many things she had to endure within her life. That pain she went through and the heartache that always seem to follow her around. Kendall was strong, she was smart, and she was kind but, was that enough? As she looked up into the night sky she thought about the millions of stars that glistened. She couldn't help but think of how she could possibly make a difference on this planet. What impact could she make when she was so used and hurt? "What makes me so special", she said to herself. 

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