Chapter 13

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Kendall smiled slightly when Chris sat down at the table. She was happy to see him but was so nervous about the response he was going to tell her when she asks about Kandie. The waiter came over and asked for their orders and as usual Chris ordered a coffee and Kendall ordered water. She wasn’t really hungry due to the fact that she was now a suspect for a murder and everyone keeps calling her Kandie.

          Kendall decided the awkward silence was too much to bear and said, “Chris I don’t know what’s going on in my life but I know that I could always rely on you to tell me the truth. Who is Kandie and why does everyone keep calling me her?” Chris face frowned up as if he had just gotten confused. “I know you got my text but who else has called you Kandie?” Kendall out the window, she was too embarrassed to tell him that her husband called her another woman’s name. But how else would she find out what happened if she doesn’t open up. “Well this morning Kenneth called me her name and after that I saw you text. I was so confused but I didn’t push it because the name seems so familiar like that wasn’t the first time I was called that.” She looked Chris in his eyes, she knew him like the back of her hand and in his eyes that was guilt, shame and concern. “Chris, what’s going on?” Chris looked at her and couldn’t help but think of how much he loved her. He knew Kandie probably went home to Kenneth and did something she hadn’t but he did not want to be the one to break the bad news to the woman he loved more than his self.

          “Kendall, I’ve loved you since the first day you spent the night over my house. You had my heart when I first wiped you tears away. And I think it’s time me for you to tell you that Kandie is your other half.” Kendall was so confused, than she responded, “What do you mean my “other half”?” “Well you have a split personality and you other half is a woman named Kandie. I’ve known about her since you were 13 because that’s when she first appeared and every since then she only comes out when you can’t handle the pressure people put on you. With your mom being gone and your dad getting to you any time he could. Kandie was just a stronger person; she could handle things better than you can.” Kendall wanted to cry, to think that she has a whole other side to her that she never knew about. She wondered who else knew about Kandie.

          “I never told Kenneth about the whole Kandie thing so I’m guessing that Kandie must have gone home last night and did something she shouldn’t have to get back at me and you.” “Why would she want to get back and us?” Kendall asked confused. “Well last night when I went to meet you at the hotel. Instead of you showing up she did, and well we kind of had sex.” Chris looking and feeling ashamed. “What? Chris how could you?” Kendall was so hurt but didn’t know why. She couldn’t stand the thought of Chris being with another woman but then again that other woman was her just with another personality. She was so confused and lost in her thoughts. “I swear Kendall I regret doing it because I could only think of you. Kendall the whole time I was hoping it was you. And that’s where I slipped up, I called her your name and she got pissed. I was trying to call her but she wouldn’t answer. Kendall, Kandie is crazy, she will do anything to get her way even if it means killing a few people. She likes all the attention on her and will not stop till she’s known.”

          It took awhile for Kendall to process everything that was said but eventually she got up and said, “I’m going to go for a drive, I’ll call you when I make it home safely.” And walked out the diner and got in the car.

          As Kendall was driving she talked to herself or should I say Kandie out loud. “I don’t know who you are but if you mess with my life, it’s going to take God…..I’ll…..Man how can I threaten someone that’s in me. This is like a episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s so weird to know that this person can have whole other life inside of my body. And then you fucked Chris, if you’re inside my body than you know how I feel about him. How could you betray me like that and I’m letting you borrow my body. Or maybe I’m using your body????? You know what I give up! I need a drink.” 

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