Chapter 3

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When Kendall woke up that morning she walked into the kitchen to see her children eating Frosted Flakes. She walked up to Kendra and kisses her on the forehead and then she walks up to Kendrick and hugs him so tight that she could barely breathe. She sits down next to him, "I love you so much KJ and I am so sorry for scaring you lat night. You scared mommy, so for now on please knock on the door before you come in." Kendrick replied with a head nod and an okay and starts to get ready for school.

          On her way to work Kendall gets a phone call from a private number. She answers and says," Detective Jones." It was a male voice mixed with interference and he spoke 3 words," Don't get involved." Kendall hung up the phone, annoyed she even answered an private call. She didn't let it bother her though, she's gotten threatening calls before, it was her ammo to solve her cases.

          When she got to the office she went straight her trusted partner Jonathan and asked him to get in contact with head of security at the mayor's home. "Right on it boss", he said. As he was walking away she yelled out to him,"And put on meeting together with Mrs. Washington, time to see what these threats are." "You got it", Jonathan yelled back. 

          Kendall sat at her desk, and let out a big sigh. Just then Detective Lee walked over with a smile and two cups of coffee. "Tired already?", he asked with a sarcastic smile, passing her the blue coffee mug. Kendall happily accepted the mug with a smile and stated,"Not yet, but I'm getting there." Kendall always found Lee attractive, she didn't know why but he just had a certain charm about him that she couldn't resist. It's like he knew what to say to her to make her feel better, like she knew him personally. "He's so fucking handsome", she thought to herself.

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