Chapter 15-Kenneth's Point of View

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I hope you guys like this one. I've been behind lately but I hope I haven't lost any readers and the book is still interesting


I can’t do it anymore, I’ve been feeling so alone lately and it seems like Kendall doesn’t even care. “Daddy are we going home to see mommy”, Kendra said. “Why don’t you go help Granny with the brownies she’s making”. I replied. How could I tell my wonderful children that our happy home has now been destroyed?

          When I got that call from Chief Williams I knew that whatever is going with Kendall could have the potential to hurt our children. I mean think about it, she’s being accused of murder! And when she came home drunk, the children were there crying knowing something was wrong with their mother. I had to literally carry her to the room because she was crying hysterically about how her life was falling about apart and Kandie was ruining her.

          To be honest I was creeped the fuck out. Here I am thinking that Kandie was just a name we used when she was role playing that night but she seems to think that she’s real. I really think she needs to go see a counselor because the way she was crying had me thinking that she had completely lost every common sense that she ever had. I have a feeling that it has something to do with Chris. I saw his number on her caller ID when I was putting her to bed. His number showed up about 30 times. And when I went through their text messages he was calling her Kandie too. At first I was pissed and all I saw was red but then I calmed myself because I know their history and I know that Kendall would never stoop so low to go back with a drug dealer. Come on now, she would leave me for him? Never! Not even a thought. But I am going to call him and have a talk, I want to get to the bottom of this Kandie stuff and I also think he knows something about the murder.

          I grabbed my phone off the table and walk into my old bedroom. And I dialed his number, “Yo, this is Chris.” “Hey, this Kenneth, I know you know who I am and I have a feeling that you knew this moment was coming. It’s time that we meet in person and have the talk and work this out.” “Hey man, we’re going to handle this like men so meet me at 6 mile by Mt. Elliott. There’s a factory on the left, when you pull up just follow the line of trucks. I’ll be there around 6:30.” “Alright bro.” *click*………I’ve been waiting for this moment.

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