Chapter 14

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I know I'm late with this but I had a touch of writers block so be patience with me please. Also this chapter is short but very relevant so don't write off the story just yet because a huge twist is about to happen............

When Kendall woke up the next morning she barely could open her eyes without blinding herself. She rolled over to find the space next to her empty and it was just a little too quiet in the house. Kendall grabbed her phone from the nightstand and checked the time. It was 9 in the morning, so she wondered why she didn’t hear the T.V. or the sound of her children arguing like they do every morning. Then she noticed she had a text message.

          My Hubby: Kendall I don’t know what your problem is but yesterday I got a phone call saying you’re a suspect in the murder of the Mayor’s wife. Plus you came home drunk last night. So me and the kids are staying with my mother until you can get you mind together. It’s time for a divorce.

          Hurt Kendall began to cry, her whole life was falling apart right in front of her and she can’t stop it. She didn’t know what to do so she stayed in the bed, going over her life, trying to figure out what went wrong in her life. “What did I do to deserve this God, why choose me?” She cried until she had no more tears to shed. Her phone rung and she answer, “Detect…..Kendall speaking” “Are you happy now”, a unknown voice spoke in her ear and she was terrified. “Who are you?” “I’m the man who heart you’ve broken, I didn’t want to do it but it’s time that you suffer for hurting me.” Kendall was already frustrated at her life falling apart and this was not making it any better. “Look you son of a bitch I don’t know what your problem is with me but you better fix that shit on your own.” “Just like I fixed you and Stephanie’s problem sure your husband would have left you earlier if he knew you were creeping Kandie.” Kendall heart dropped when she heard that name. Whoever this is knew about Kandie and cheating????? Who was she messing around with? Why was Stephanie involved……What’s going to happen next.

To be continued……

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