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Two weeks later, 235th Papa Company are heading to Mountain Glenn. Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer mentions that this mission is a joint-Army-Marine task as the United Nations wants to make the abandoned city a full time UN Military Base.

He said that the amount of troops being sent is 130,000. This includes the 235th Papa Company itself, tank Battalions and aircraft. Anthony and his team looked at each other and nodded their head with determination, courage and the spirit to fight. 

As the 235th Papa Company and other military forces arrived at Mountain Glenn, they immediately began their mission of clearing out the Grimm from the abandoned city. The Marines and Soldiers could hear the distant growling of Grimm and could see the faint glow of their eyes in the darkness. The troops moved swiftly and efficiently through the streets and buildings, utilizing their training and equipment to take out any Grimm they encountered. The tank battalions provided support by blasting any large groups of Grimm, while aircraft kept an eye on the skies for any flying Grimm.

Anthony and his team, along with their fellow Marines, moved carefully and tactically through the city, clearing buildings and streets as they went. As they made their way through the city, they encountered several packs of Grimm.

The Marines quickly engaged them with precision and skill, using their weapons and training to take them down.

They encountered various types of Grimm, from Beowolves to Creeps to Death Stalkers, but they were prepared for anything. Anthony and David used their shotguns to great effect, taking out any Grimm that got too close, while Shino used her rifle and bayonet to dispatch any at a distance. Shino's hand-to-hand combat skills proved to be effective in close-quarters combat. While Mari's medical knowledge allowed her to quickly treat any wounded Marines and Soldiers, while Igor laid down suppressive fire with his LMG.

As they worked their way deeper into the city, the Grimm began to get more numerous and more dangerous. But the Marines and Soldiers pressed on, their spirits undaunted by the task at hand. After several hours of intense fighting, the 235th Papa Company had cleared out a significant portion of the city. The tank battalions and aircrafts were able to move in and secure the area. The Marines were exhausted but proud of their accomplishment.

They knew that they had made a significant contribution to the establishment of a new UN Military Base. With the tank battalions and aircraft providing support, they were able to eliminate any and all Grimm they encountered, until finally the city was clear.

As they gathered together to rest and regroup, Anthony looked at his team and said, "We did it. We fought with everything we had and we won. This is what it means to be a Marine." The rest of the team nodded in agreement, knowing that they had given their all to protect the people and uphold their duty as Marines. They were proud of what they had accomplished, but they knew that there would always be more work to be done, more threats to face. But they were ready for whatever came their way, knowing that they had each other and their training to rely on.

Unbeknownst to them, Ozpin watched everything from his office of what the UN did. "Hmmm. Interesting." He said as he took a sip from his mug.

A week later, we see Anthony, David, Shino, Mari and other Marines are cheering for Igor who is arm wrestling a French Soldier as soldiers were cheering for him.

A second later, Igor won as his fellow Marines cheered for his victory. It is noted that all troops carry a weapon on them at all times just in case.

After that, the marines in the 235th Papa Company were called to a briefing. Their mission was like the one in Menagerie. A Hearts and Minds one. Except, it was for them to make contact at Beacon Academy.

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