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Four days later, we see the US President having an video chat with the Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Korean Presidents about having 235th Papa Company deal with the Bandits in Mistral with Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY and many other Beacon students.

The US President begins by explaining the situation in Mistral and the need for intervention to prevent further harm to innocent civilians. The Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Korean Presidents listen attentively and nod in agreement. They express their concerns about the potential for escalation and ask about the capabilities of 235th Papa Company and the Beacon teams.

The US President assures them that 235th Papa Company is highly trained and experienced in dealing with situations like this, and that the Beacon teams have proven themselves in previous missions. He emphasizes that their primary goal is to protect civilians and restore order in Mistral.

The other Presidents agree to provide any support necessary, and the US President thanks them for their cooperation. He then turns to the military advisors in the room and gives the order to mobilize 235th Papa Company and the Beacon teams for deployment to Mistral.

The advisors quickly get to work, coordinating with their counterparts in the other countries to ensure a smooth and effective operation. They also begin briefing the troops and teams on the situation and the mission ahead.

When Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer relay the news to his Marines and the Beacon Academy students. The Marines began to pack up every on the Firebase since it'll be to risky for any of their stuff be left behind when they're gone. While the students were told not pack to much and only pack the essentials.

As the Marines and students packed up their belongings, Lieutenant Colonel Bauer reminded them of the seriousness of the upcoming mission. "Remember, we're not just dealing with a bunch of common bandits here. These are hardened criminals with advanced weaponry and combat training. We can't afford to take any chances out there," he said sternly.

The students nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They had trained hard at Beacon Academy and were confident in their abilities, but they knew that this mission would be no easy feat.

As the packing was completed, the Marines and students were given their orders and assigned to their respective transport vehicles. They set off from the Firebase towards Mistral, determined to complete their mission and take down the bandits.

A two weeks later, we see Anthony and his team in a MRAP Cougar 6x6 with Team RWBY in the back. Behind their vehicle is a LAV-25 with Jie's team and Team JNPR inside. And the vehicle behind them is a Ukrainian BTR-3 with Team CFVY inside.

The small convoy are heading to a bandit tribe to take it down. Most of the marines believe this to be Raven Branwen's Bandit Tribe. Yang also believes too as wants to see her mother. It is noted that the marines are using non-lethal takedowns and targeting at non-lethal parts of the body.

This method helped the students greatly and lessen any casualties of both the marines and students.

As they approach the bandit tribe, the marines and students noticed that the area was heavily fortified with barricades, watchtowers, and armed guards. It was clear that the bandits were prepared for an attack.

However, the Marines had the element of surprise on their side and quickly launched a coordinated assault on the compound.

The LAV-25 provided cover fire while the MRAP and BTR-3 moved in to breach the barricades. Team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY provided support by taking out any bandits that tried to flank the Marines. Anthony led his team in securing the perimeter and neutralizing any threats.

After a few hours of intense fighting, the bandit tribe was successfully taken down with minimal casualties on both sides. Yang was disappointed that Raven was not among the captured bandits, but she was grateful for the opportunity to take down her mother's criminal organization.

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