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A week later at a federal prison in New York, we see Yang, Christopher, Raven and 14 year old Mason Towson. Chatting with the kids grandmother Raven Branwen. Who is now not in General population and is wearing a brown shirt and pants.

Raven Branwen looked much different than she did during her time with Team STRQ and the Branwen Bandit Tribe. She had aged considerably, with wrinkles forming around her eyes and mouth. Her once long, wild long hair was now shorter and more tame, pulled back into a ponytail.

"Hey, Mom," Chris said, giving her a small wave. "How's it going?"

"It's going," Raven replied, her voice gruff. "Just trying to keep myself busy."

"Did you get the care package we sent?" Yang asked, leaning forward in her seat.

"Yeah, I did," Raven nodded. "Thanks for that."

"We've got some more stuff for you," Raven said, pulling a bag out from under her chair. "Just some snacks and books and stuff."

Raven Branwen smiled slightly, taking the bag from her granddaughter. "Thanks, kiddo. You didn't have to do all this."

"We know," Mason spoke up. "But we wanted to."

Raven Branwen's expression softened at the sight of her grandson. "Thanks, Mason. That means a lot."

They spent the next hour catching up on what had been happening in their lives, discussing school and their plans for the future. Despite the bleak surroundings, it was a moment of warmth and family.

The next day, we see Ruby at a fast-food place. She was about to order, when the cashier called out her. She looked up and is surprised to see the Ex-inmate Emerald working there as a cashier.

Ruby is initially taken aback at seeing Emerald working at the fast-food place, but quickly regains her composure and approaches the counter.

"Hey, Emerald. It's been a while," Ruby says, smiling at her.

Emerald looks up and is surprised to see Ruby. "Ruby! Hi!" she says, returning the smile.

"I didn't expect to see you working here," Ruby says, gesturing to the restaurant.

"Yeah, well, I had to find a job," Emerald says, looking down at the cash register. "I didn't have anywhere else to go after I got out."

Ruby nods sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm glad you're doing okay now."

Emerald looks up at Ruby with a grateful expression. "Thanks, Ruby. It's good to see you again."

Ruby smiles and places her order, chatting with Emerald as she waits for her food. She's glad to see that Emerald is doing well, and she makes a mental note to check in on her more often.

We see Salem in her underground prison cell just reading a book. The book is called 'Lord of the Files'.

It is noted that after the war, a special underground prison was made to hold Salem. It is said to be 13,000 ft deep and if she escapes her cell. The nuclear reactor will self-destruct making sure she stays underground.

As Salem continued reading her book, she couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom and restlessness. She had been imprisoned for so long, with no one to talk to or interact with except for her books. She sighed and closed the book, setting it down on her bed.

Suddenly, she heard a faint whispering sound. She looked around the cell, but saw no one. She assumed it was just her imagination, and went back to reading her book.

But the whispering continued, growing louder and more distinct. Salem grew curious and stood up, walking towards the source of the sound. As she got closer, she realized it was coming from a small crack in the wall.

She approached the wall and pressed her ear against the crack, listening closely. The whispering became clearer and she realized it was a voice. "Hello? Is anyone there?" she asked, hoping for a response.

Within the security cameras, UN troops noticed a Vietnamese soldier attempting to use her illusion semblance on Salem. However, a Sergeant quickly intervened and reminded her of the proper procedures for handling prisoners.

The soldier apologizes saying that 18 years ago her father was one of the UN troops that died in the C-130 plane explosion. Her Sergeant still advises her to not do that again, but says that he is sorry for her loss.

The soldier nods and thanks the Sergeant for his understanding. They both go back to monitoring the security cameras, making sure that Salem doesn't attempt to escape her prison. The UN troops are aware that Salem is a powerful being and must be kept under strict surveillance to prevent any potential threat to the world. They also know that the Grimm, are still active and must be dealt with accordingly. It's a constant battle to maintain peace and order in a world full of dangers.

Meanwhile in Japan, we see Thomas Mattis with his wife Shino Kuribayashi Mattis are walking in the city of Tokyo.

As Thomas Mattis and Shino Kuribayashi Mattis are walking in the city of Tokyo, they come across a street vendor selling takoyaki, a popular Japanese snack. They decide to buy some and try it out. "Mmm, this is really good," Thomas says as he takes a bite.

Shino nods in agreement, "I'm glad we tried it. It's always fun to explore new foods and places."

They continue walking and come across a traditional Japanese garden. They pay the entrance fee and stroll around, admiring the beauty of the carefully manicured trees, flowers, and ponds. As they walk, they see a couple of Japanese students wearing school uniforms, taking pictures and chatting happily.

Thomas turns to Shino, "I'm glad we came to Japan. It's been a long time since we've taken a trip together like this."

Shino smiles, "Me too. It's nice to have some time to relax and enjoy each other's company."

As they continue to explore the garden, they hear the sound of a koto, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument. They follow the sound and come across a group of musicians playing a beautiful melody. They stop to listen, taking in the peaceful atmosphere and enjoying the moment.

"Shino-san?" Said a voice calling out to her. She and Thomas turn to see Mari and Michael Blacker.

"Hello Mari, Michael!" Shino said, smiling at them. "It's good to see you both. How have you been?"

"We've been good, thank you," Mari replied with a smile. "What brings you two to Tokyo?"

"We're on vacation," Thomas interjected. "We wanted to take a break from work and explore Japan a bit."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Michael said, nodding. "Have you seen much of the city yet?"

"Not yet," Shino replied. "We were just about to start exploring, actually. Do you have any recommendations?"

Mari and Michael exchanged a look before nodding in unison. "You have to visit the Meiji Shrine," Mari said. "It's a beautiful place and definitely worth seeing."

"Thank you for the recommendation," Shino said, bowing slightly. "We'll be sure to check it out."

The group chatted for a few more minutes before saying their goodbyes and going their separate ways.

In Atlas, we see the SDC CEO Weiss Schnee Bauer. Right now, she and her twin eighteen year old son and daughter in front of the Atlas War Memorial. She puts down a set of flowers as she and her children focus on one name.

Sergeant Felix Bauer.

"Happy birthday. I'll miss you Felix." Weiss said in german as she sheds a tear.

Her son and daughter put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We miss him too, Mom." Her daughter said, as she hugged Weiss. Her son nods in agreement. "He would be proud of you, Mom. You're doing great as the CEO of the SDC." He said. Weiss looks at them and smiles. "Thank you, guys. It means a lot to me." She said, wiping her tears.

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