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Fourteen years later, we see a older Anthony Towson and a older David Fernandes relaxing and drinking some cold beers while both an 18 year old Lea Towson and a 18 year old David Fernandes Jr. sparing in sky above them.

Anthony and David watch with amusement as Lea and David Jr. use their respective semblances to dodge and attack each other in the sky. "Looks like they've both grown up to be strong," David remarks, taking a sip of his beer.

Anthony nods in agreement. "Yeah, they sure have. I'm proud of Lea. She's grown into a fine young woman."

David chuckles. "Same here with David Jr. He's got a bit of his mother's fighting spirit in him."

Anthony smiles. "Speaking of Sienna, have you heard from her lately?"

David shakes his head. "Not since the last White Fang gathering. But I'm sure she's doing well. She's a tough cookie."

The two friends continue to watch as their children finish their spar and land back on the ground. Lea grins as she brushes her black hair out of her face. "That was fun," she says.

David Jr. grins back. "Yeah, it was. You're getting better, Lea."

Lea rolls her eyes playfully. "Please, I've always been better than you."

David Jr. laughs. "Keep telling yourself that, sis."

Anthony and David smile at each other, grateful for the close bond between their families.

Anthony Towson Jr. meanwhile is on a date with Kalia Fernandes. Sienna and David's second daughter.

Anthony Towson Jr. and Kalia Fernandes were having dinner at a fancy restaurant in the city of Atlas. They were both dressed up for the occasion and seemed to be enjoying each other's company. Kalia had inherited her mother's Bengal tiger faunus ears, but unlike her mother, she had a calmer demeanor.

Anthony Jr. was smitten with her and was trying to impress her with his knowledge of history and literature. Kalia was listening intently, occasionally chiming in with her own insights. They both seemed to be having a great time.

It was then that a group of five women started to flirt with Anthony Jr. He tried to explain that he was in the middle of a date, but the women ignored that.

Kalia then used her semblance to levitate the five women with her telekinetic ability and made the women turn to look at her.

"Leave or I make you leave via Ambulance." She calmly threaten the women as she continues eating her food without looking at them.

Anthony Jr. looked at Kalia with a mix of surprise and admiration, impressed with her assertiveness and ability to handle the situation. The five women quickly left, intimidated by Kalia's display of power.

"Wow, you're amazing," Anthony Jr. said, smiling at Kalia. "I didn't know you had practiced your semblance to that level."

Kalia shrugged, "I don't like pests, that's all." The two continued their date, talking about their plans for the future and their aspirations.

Kalia has loved Jr. since they were 4. Now that their both 18 and just graduated from high school. She is willing to try and take the next step.

As they finished their meal, Kalia held Anthony Jr.'s hand and smiled at him. "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out," she said, her eyes shining. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

Anthony Jr. smiled back at her. "I had a great time too. And I'd love to take you out again," he replied, his heart beating faster. "You're amazing, Kalia. I'm lucky to have you in my life."

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