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Meanwhile, Atlas is located at the southwest coast of the United Kingdom. Over the past months, half of Mantle has been under UN control due to it being a top priority to save the city of it's problems.

It was to the point that almost every two to three days a week, a bombing run was conducted on the outskirts of the city to take out the Grimm. The reason why only half of Mantle was under UN control is because Atlas was in control of the other half.

However, unlike Atlas. The UN is trying to fix infrastructure, protect the citizens, provide medical care and giving some resources.

Additionally, the UN forces in Mantle are also working to restore communication and transportation systems, such as repairing roads and setting up communication towers. They have also established checkpoints and patrols to maintain security and prevent any criminal or Grimm activity.

Despite the efforts of the UN, tensions still remain high between the citizens of Mantle and the Atlas military. Many Mantle citizens still harbor resentment towards Atlas for their neglect and mistreatment of the lower class citizens, leading to protests and occasional violence.

To address these issues, the UN forces have been working closely with the Mantle citizens, holding town hall meetings and working to establish a democratic system of governance. They have also been providing job training and opportunities for the citizens, hoping to stimulate the economy and alleviate poverty.

Overall, the situation in Mantle remains fragile, but the UN forces are working diligently to stabilize the city and provide a better future for its citizens.

We then see a British Army Colonel and a Irish Major talking to the Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses in a command tent in the city.

The British Army Colonel cleared his throat and addressed Robyn Hill and her team, "Ms. Hill, as you know, the United Nations is now in control of this half of Mantle. We have a responsibility to the citizens here and we need your cooperation to maintain law and order."

Robyn crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, "What kind of cooperation are we talking about?"

The Irish Major spoke up, "We need your team to work with our soldiers to identify and neutralize any criminal elements operating in this area. Your knowledge of the local gangs and their activities will be invaluable in this effort."

Robyn nodded thoughtfully, "I see. And what's in it for us?" said May.

The Colonel replied, "We can offer you protection, supplies, and access to medical care. In addition, we can offer you the opportunity to have a say in the rebuilding and governing of this area."

Robyn uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, "Alright, I'm listening."

The Colonel continued, "We need your team to help us maintain order in this area. We understand that you have your own agenda and we are willing to work with you to achieve our common goals."

Robyn nodded, "Alright, we'll work with you. But you need to understand that we won't stand for any mistreatment of the citizens here. We're here to protect them, not oppress them."

The Colonel smiled, "Agreed. We'll work together to ensure that the citizens are protected and that order is maintained."

Meanwhile, Cinder Fall, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai were disguised as Beacon Academy students to both avoid and lay low. They made it a priority to stay away from the Firebase at the campus to avoid getting identified and avoided any Marines passing by.

As they wandered around Vale, they noticed a group of people protesting outside of the Atlas Embassy. Curious, they approached the crowd and listened in on what they were saying. The group was comprised of both Faunus and Humans, and they were protesting the Atlas embargo on Dust trade with other kingdoms.

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