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Meanwhile in a underground bunker, we see a FSB agent and a CIA agent talking to Roman and Neo. Well, mostly to Roman as Neo is a mute. The two agents we're making a deal to Roman and Neo to be CIs for them.

Roman was hesitant at first, but agreed. Knowing this, intelligence agencies now have someone on their side help apprehend any highly illegal individuals to justice.

The intelligence agencies were pleased to have Roman and Neo as confidential informants (CIs), and promised to protect them and provide them with the necessary resources for their cooperation. In return, they were expected to provide valuable information about their contacts and illegal activities.

The agents reminded them of the consequences if they were caught lying or withholding information, and made it clear that their safety depended on their honesty and loyalty.

Roman and Neo knew that they had to tread carefully, as their new position could be risky and could potentially put them in danger. However, they saw this as an opportunity to gain more power and protection for themselves, and potentially advance their own agendas in the process. They agreed to the terms and began their work as CIs for the intelligence agencies.

A week later, numerous criminals, crime bosses, corrupt police officers and corrupt politicians in Vale were apprehend for their illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

It was also noted that all of them were sent to jails and prisons in the US as Vale didn't have the proper facilities to house inmates. It was to the point that the US government had to reopen and update Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary.

It's good to see that justice is being served and that the appropriate authorities are taking action to keep the citizens safe. The reopening and updating of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary also shows that the US government is taking this matter seriously and is willing to invest in the necessary resources to combat crime.

With Adam Taurus, he saw the UN as a another pests of humans as he and many in the Vale branch of the White Fang plan to attack the Firebase at Beacon.

Unknown to Adam and the White Fang, one of them was an confidential informant and secretly notifies Lieutenant Colonel Bauer.

Lieutenant Colonel Bauer takes the information seriously and immediately initiates a security protocol. He orders a lockdown of the firebase and calls in reinforcements for the 235th Papa Company. He also contacts Ozpin and Glynda to inform them of the situation and request their assistance.

At the same time, he sends out a small team to investigate the White Fang's location and gather intel on their plans. They are able to uncover the White Fang's plan to attack the firebase at Beacon with a large group of Faunus militants armed with weapons and explosives.

With the information in hand, Bauer and his marines prepare a defensive strategy and begin to fortify the firebase. They set up barricades, minefields, and other defensive measures to protect the firebase from the impending attack.

As the White Fang militants approach the firebase, they are met with fierce resistance from Bauer and his marines. The battle is intense and lasts for several hours, but ultimately the 235th Papa Company and their allies are able to repel the attack and drive the White Fang militants back.

Adam Taurus, who led the attack, is captured by the 235th Papa Company and is handed over to the appropriate authorities to face justice for his crimes.

 It is noted that Johann Bauer is a German Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel is only 45 years old with dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

It is said he only has two kids, one daughter who is 16 years old. And one son who is 20 years old and a Lance Corporal in the German Marine Corps and is also in the 235th Papa Company.

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