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About a month later, we see Private First Class Christopher "Chris" Towson of the United States Marine Corps walking with Yang Xiao-Long in Vale. Chris is a 19 year old, 6ft and 1in tall, with cornrows and dark brown eyes man.

"Thanks for walking with me, Yang. It's good to be back in Vale," Chris said to Yang. "No problem, Chris. How's your training going?" Yang asked. "It's tough, but I'm hanging in there. I'm just glad I get to come home and see family and friends once in a while," Chris replied.

"Yeah, it's important to have a support system," Yang said, nodding her head. "So, have you heard anything from Anthony or Jie?"

Chris grinned. "Yeah, they're doing great. They're on their honeymoon in Menagerie right now. They send pictures and videos to the family chat all the time," he said.

Yang smiled. "That's good to hear. And how are your parents doing?"

"They're doing well. Mom is working at the hospital and Dad is still running his own business. They miss Anthony and Jie but they're happy for them," Chris replied.

"That's good. And how's the rest of the family?" Yang asked.

"They're doing alright. My sister is still in college, and my younger brother is in high school now," Chris said.

Yang nodded. "Well, let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you," she said.

"Thanks, Yang. I appreciate it," Chris said with a smile.

Yang first met Chris before he ranked up to Private First Class in Florida during the time Anthony and his team were attending his grandmother's funeral.

Both have seen combat and are close-combat specialist. In fact, Yang took a liking to Chris and wanted hangout with him more. The same could be said for Chris.

As they walked, Chris and Yang talked about their experiences in the military and their combat training. Yang was impressed by Chris's skills and they both agreed to train together sometime. "I'll show you some moves that Anthony taught me," Yang said with a grin. "And I'll show you some moves that I learned from my drill sergeant," Chris replied with a smirk.

As they walked, they passed by a group of rowdy teenagers who were making a commotion. One of the teenagers bumped into Chris, causing him to lose his balance.

Yang immediately stepped in front of Chris, ready to fight. However, Chris held her back and calmly talked to the teenagers, diffusing the situation. Yang was impressed by his calm demeanor and how he handled the situation without violence.

After the teenagers left, Yang turned to Chris and said, "You know, you're not what I expected from a Marine private." Chris chuckled and replied, "What did you expect? A mindless killing machine?" Yang smiled and said, "I guess I had a stereotype in my head. But you're pretty cool." Chris smiled back and said, "You're not so bad yourself, Yang. We should hang out more often."

Yang blushed red in the face as she nodded in agreement.

Not to far behind them is Ruby Rose and US Marine Private Andrew Towson the twin brother of Christopher Towson. Watched both Chris and Yang's interaction.

"Us Towson men really need to open our eyes when it comes to women liking us and we not knowing until the last minute." Andrew said. "Yep." Ruby replied, agreeing what Andrew said.

Meanwhile, we see Weiss and Winter Schnee enjoying a cup of coffee with Igor Lev and Felix Bauer at a Cafe in Mt. Glenn Base.

Igor and Felix are both dressed in their service military uniforms, while Weiss and Winter are dressed in their typical elegant attire. They chat and enjoy their coffee in the comfortable ambiance of the cafe.

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