15 Final

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Meanwhile in Germany, we see Johann Bauer who is now Chancellor of Germany. Is in front the grave of his son paying his respects and saying Happy birthday.

As Johann Bauer stands in front of his son's grave, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "Happy birthday, Felix," he says quietly. "I miss you so much. I wish you were still here with us."

He stands there for a few moments, lost in thought, before opening his eyes and reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a small bouquet of flowers and places it gently on the grave. "Rest in peace, my son," he says softly. "We will never forget you."

One year later......

We see Lea and her twin brothers Anthony Jr. and Lee who are now 19 years old and as Privates in the USMC at Firebase Beacon.

As Privates in the USMC, Lea, Anthony Jr., and Lee have been undergoing rigorous training at Firebase Beacon. They have been learning various combat techniques, survival skills, and marksmanship.

Currently, they are on a break from their training, sitting in the mess hall and enjoying a meal. Lea is discussing their training with her brothers, "Can you believe we've been here for six months already? Time flies, huh?"

Anthony Jr. nods in agreement, "Yeah, but I'm just glad we're making progress. I feel like I'm getting better every day."

Lee chimes in, "Definitely. And it's not just our combat skills, but our teamwork too. We're becoming a solid unit."

Lea smiles, "That's true. I'm proud of us."

Just then, a sergeant walks up to their table and addresses them, "Privates Towson, you've been selected for a special mission. Report to the commander's office immediately."

The three siblings exchange a quick look before getting up and following the sergeant to the commander's office, wondering what the special mission could be.

When they got there, they see their squadmates US Army Sergeants William Flukey and Tom Macnamara.

They also see Kalia who is now Anthony Jr.'s wife and Leader of the White Fang Branch in Vale, USMC Privates David Jr., Eric, Brody, Mary, Nikki Fernandes.

They also see Japanese Marine Corps Maverick Kuribayashi Mattis and Hina Blacker.

Vale's Huntresses-in-Training Raven Towson, Willa Schnee Bauer, Crystal Rose, An Ren, Mia Arc and Blair Belladonna Wesley.

And Russian Marine Corps Anya, Anna, Nina and Marina Lev.

As they approach their squadmates, Kalia and Hina give them a warm welcome, hugging each of them. Maverick and the Fernandes siblings give them fist bumps and pat their backs in greeting. The Huntresses-in-Training wave and smile, happy to see them. The Lev sisters give them nods of acknowledgement.

Sergeant Flukey then addresses the group, "Alright, listen up everyone. We've received intel that a rogue Faunus group is planning to attack a nearby village. Our mission is to prevent that from happening. We'll be working with a team from the Japanese Marine Corps and a team from the Russian Marine Corps. Let's move out!"

The group quickly gets into formation and heads out to the designated location, ready to take on the mission.

As they were heading to mission via aircraft. They chatted with each other.

Lea turned to Anthony Jr. and asked, "How's Kalia doing?"

"She's doing well. She's been busy with leading the White Fang branch in Vale," Anthony Jr. replied.

Lee added, "Yeah, Kalia's really dedicated to making sure the White Fang is doing good things."

David Jr. asked, "So what's our mission this time?"

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