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In one week later, we see Anthony in his service uniform with Ruby and Yang beside him. Right now, the three are in the state of Maryland and are heading to Anthony's parents house. The two sisters were happy that Anthony invited them.

However, Jie Ling also came along with Anthony saying that both hers and his parents are lifetime friends. And that her parents are also there as well.

As they arrived at Anthony's parents' house, they were greeted warmly by his family and Jie Ling's family. The house was cozy and beautifully decorated with family pictures hanging on the walls.

They were ushered to the living room where a feast was prepared for them. Anthony's mother had cooked a traditional trinidadian feast, which consisted of Doubles, curry, and Chicken.

As they ate, they chatted about their recent experiences and adventures. Anthony's parents were proud of him for his service in the UN, and they were glad to see him enjoying some time off. Ruby and Yang were fascinated to learn about Anthony's upbringing and his life before the military.

Jie Ling's parents were equally welcoming, and they shared stories about their own experiences as diplomats. They also talked about their cultural background and traditions, which fascinated Ruby and Yang.

After dinner, they all sat together in the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful summer night. Anthony's father started a bonfire, and they roasted marshmallows and told stories. Jie Ling's father played his guitar and sang some traditional Chinese folk songs, which everyone enjoyed.

It was a lovely evening, and as they said their goodbyes, they all exchanged contact information and promised to stay in touch. Anthony's parents gave Ruby and Yang some Maryland and Trinidadian souvenirs to take back with them, and they hugged everyone goodbye.

As they were about to leave Anthony's father handed him a picture of him when he was 6 years old standing next to a five year old girl in a dress.

"Thanks dad, but I don't need it." Anthony said to his father.

"No. It's who in the picture you haven't seen or recognized in 21 years." Anthony's father said to him. Anthony raised an eyebrow at this confused. Jie's Father came up and saw the picture, then turned to look at Anthony. "You don't know? That's my daughter, Jie Ling." Jie's father said as Anthony widen his eyes in shock.

Ruby and Yang looked equally surprised as they overheard the conversation. "Wait, Jie Ling is the girl in the picture?" Ruby asked, looking between Anthony and Jie Ling.

Jie Ling nodded with a smile. "Yes, that's me. Ant and I used to play together all the time when we were kids."

Anthony was still in shock as he looked at the picture again, memories of his childhood flooding back to him. "I had no idea. It's been so long since I've seen her," he said, looking at Jie Ling.

Jie Ling laughed. "I know, it's been too long. But it's good to see you again, Anthony."

The group continued to chat as they made their way to the hotel, the revelation of Jie Ling's identity bringing a new level of nostalgia and connection between the two childhood friends.

As the four left. Both fathers hoped that their two children remember the promise they made. The promise was that when they grow up they'll get married. The two fathers prayed that the two will remember.

As the four left, Anthony and Jie were silent for a moment, both thinking about the old photo and the promise their fathers had made.

Jie broke the silence, "I never knew your father kept that picture. I thought it was lost." Anthony looked at her, "I never knew we met when we were kids. It's weird to think that we might have been meant to be together all along." Jie smiled, "Yeah, it is weird. But who knows what the future holds."

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