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About three months later, Atlas still hasn't made any laws for faunus discrimination. This action cause the UN, Vacuo and Vale to sanction Atlas until further notice.

The UN, mostly the US and Russian Presidents ordered the SDC to halt their illegal hard labor mining operations across the the continent Solitas.

To which Jacques Schnee refused and argued with the other world leaders while James Ironwood stayed silent.

Two weeks later, news of Ironwood being dishonorably discharged from the Atlas Military and replaced by Jet Greene.

His brother Falcon Greene was a CEO of a private military company in Atlas. He then sent mercenaries to both the SDC mines and some parts in Solitas.

The deployment of mercenaries by Falcon Greene caused chaos and violence across Solitas. Many faunus and humans alike were hurt or killed in the process. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control, and the world leaders knew they had to take action. A joint task force was established by the UN, Vacuo and Vale to intervene and restore peace to Solitas.

The task force consisted of troops from all over the world, including some from the 235th Papa Company, 128th Zulu Company and some Vacuo & Vale Huntsmen and Huntresses, and many others. Their mission was to bring an end to the violence and to put an end to the SDC's illegal mining operations.

The task force was successful in their mission, but it came at a great cost. Many lives were lost on both sides, and the damage caused by the mercenaries was extensive. The world leaders knew that they had to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

Jacques Schnee was arrested and put on trial for his role in the illegal mining operations and his refusal to comply with the UN's demands. Falcon Greene and his private military company were also held accountable for their actions, and many of his mercenaries were arrested.

The world leaders also began working on new laws and policies to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. They knew that discrimination against faunus had to come to an end, and that they had to work together to build a better, more equal world.

This angered Jet Greene as he then announced that he and Atlas declare War with the UN and its allies. Mistral was neutral in this.

But when the news of Greene's declaration of war shocked all countries and kingdoms.

UN troops stationed in Mantle started evacuating both troops and citizens out of the city as they now in the crossfire.

Willow Schnee, her family and many others were quick to leave Atlas and head to Mantle were people were being evacuated. UN troops stationed at the city also had to fight Atlas soldiers as well.

Which had a high number of casualties since 90% of the troops were helping in the evacuation.

The declaration of war by Jet Greene was met with strong condemnation by the UN and its allies. The Vale Council held an emergency meeting and decided to send Huntsmen to aid the UN in their efforts to defend Mantle and stop Atlas' aggression. Meanwhile, the SDC and Atlas were facing their own issues as their mines were now under attack by the UN and White Fang troops, with many of their operations being shut down. The faunus workers at the mines were also freed and taken to safety by the UN and the White Fang.

The war raged on for months, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The cities of Mantle and Atlas were heavily damaged, and many innocent civilians lost their lives. It was a dark time for Remnant, as the world was plunged into chaos and destruction again.

Eventually, after many long and difficult battles, the UN and its allies were victorious. Jet Greene was captured and brought to trial for his war crimes, and the leaders of Atlas were either forced to step down and face justice for their actions or killed.

Meanwhile, Salem, Watts and Tyrian watched as the technically crippled Atlas and it's military.

Salem got up from her throne walked over to the window looking at the Land of Darkness.

She looks back at her only two members with an evil grin. "We should attack the United States of America's capital. The attack will have the UN focus solely on protecting it's main ally. While less focus on the protecting the Kingdoms." Salem said.

Tyrian looked her with agreement, while Watts was hesitant. He is aware about how strong both the US, Russia and China are. And he secretly made a deal to the UN on stopping his old rivals Jet and Falcon Greene.

But if Salem plans on attacking the US Capital, which is in the East Coast, which has the most military bases both UN and American and most if not half of the US Marines are born from there. Including most of 235th Papa Company's US Marines.

He sighs quietly as Salem is about to awake the sleeping giants with a terrible resolve.

As Salem's plan unfolds, Watts knew he had to act fast. He excuses himself from the room and contacts his contacts within the UN. He reveals to them Salem's plan to attack the US Capital and convinces them to take action against her.

The UN agrees to work with Watts and use the distraction caused by the Atlas-UN war to launch a surprise attack against Salem's forces.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Darkness, Salem's forces prepare for their attack on the US Capital.

Tyrian is excited to finally be unleashed on a major target, while Salem's Grimm forces gather at the portal to be sent through.

However, as they prepare to launch their attack, UN forces suddenly appear through the portal and launch a surprise attack against Salem's forces. The battle is fierce and brutal, but with the element of surprise on their side, the UN forces are able to gain the upper hand.

In the end, Salem's forces are defeated and Salem herself is captured by the UN. Watts is hailed as a hero for his role in foiling Salem's plan, and he becomes a trusted advisor to the UN. The Atlas-UN war comes to an end, and the SDC is forced to comply with the UN's demands for fair treatment of Faunus. The world finally finds peace, but the memory of Salem's threat lingers on, a reminder of the dangers that still exist in the world.

In the aftermath of the war, efforts were made to rebuild the devastated cities and bring peace and stability back to Remnant. The SDC was reformed under new leadership, and laws were put in place to protect the rights of faunus and prevent discrimination. The world slowly began to heal, but the scars of the war remained for many years to come.

As Salem was dragged to a C-130 plane were she will be trailed and locked up. She looks around her surroundings as UN troops aimed their weapons at her.

She may be unkillable, but High Command ordered the the troops to shoot her even if she moves a finger. She finishes looking around as she counted 75 UN troops with her.

"Good." She said silently with a grin.

We then see the outside of the plane as four fighter jets protected plane. After they flew over Emerald Forest, the plane explodes.

"OH MY GOD!?!?!" A US fighter pilot yelled as he saw plane exploded.

"This is Eagle-1!! The C-130 carrying Salem and Callows has just been destroyed! Repeat! Salem just destroyed the plane!! We need troops or Huntsmen and Huntresses down here NOW!!!!" The pilot screamed in the radio.

Meanwhile on the ground, we see Salem crawling out the wreckage as she looks at the direction of Beacon Academy. "I hope your ready Ozma." Salem said smiling as she walked to the direction.

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