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A few months later, a news broadcast announced that it has been a whole year since Atlas, Vauco, Vale, Mistral and Menagerie arrived on earth.

During this time, another company of 250 Marines were sent to Firebase Beacon. The company was the 128th Zulu Company led by a Netherlands Marine Captain named Emma Noa.

Emma Noa is 30 years old 5ft tall blonde green eyes woman. It is also known that she hasn't seen combat, but is impressed with Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer and his company of Marines.

Emma and Shino are the same height.

Emma Noa and her company arrived at Firebase Beacon to reinforce the security of the area. The 235th Papa Company welcomed them and showed them around the base, introducing them to the other teams and personnel. Emma and Johann, being the two leaders of their respective companies, had a meeting to discuss the security situation and how their companies could work together to ensure the safety of the base and the surrounding areas.

The two companies trained together and worked on joint operations, sharing their tactics and techniques. Emma was impressed by the skills and dedication of the 235th Papa Company, and Johann was equally impressed by the professionalism and teamwork of the 128th Zulu Company.

As time passed, the two companies grew closer and formed a bond that went beyond their duties as Marines. They shared their stories, experiences, and cultures, learning from each other and gaining a deeper understanding of their differences and similarities.

The arrival of the 128th Zulu Company marked a new chapter in the history of Firebase Beacon, strengthening the base's security and creating new friendships and alliances among the Marines from different countries.

It is also noted that 128th Zulu Company was part of the 50,000 Marines that was in the training exercise a year ago.

The 4 tank platoons at Firebase Beacon consists of Four M1A1 Abrams tanks, two Leopard 2 tanks, two K2 Black Panther tanks, two Type 90 tanks, two Ukrainian T-80 tanks and four Russian T-90 tanks.

As of now Anthony Towson is now 27 years old, David Fernandes is now 24 years old, Shino Kuribayashi is now 25 years old, Mari Kurokawa is now 24 years old and Igor Lev is now 21 years old.

The several weeks went by without hitch. However many tourists and military troops still kept on seeing faunus discrimination in the four kingdoms. Most are in Atlas. All the of UN countries had meeting about this with councilmen of each kingdom.

The councilmen of each kingdom expressed their concerns and stated that they were working on improving the situation. However, some representatives from the UN countries were not satisfied with their response and called for stronger measures to be taken to address faunus discrimination.

The issue was also discussed at the Vytal Festival, where many students and civilians expressed their support for faunus rights and called for an end to discrimination. Some even staged peaceful protests outside of government buildings.

Despite these efforts, faunus discrimination continued to be a problem in the four kingdoms, and it would take a lot more work and cooperation to bring about real change.

Meanwhile in Vacuo, we see a huge swarm of Grimm via satellite heading for both at the city of Vacuo and the country of Iran. The news of this was sent from NASA to the rest of the United Nations.

The attack will happen in two weeks. Within the first week, the city of Vacuo and most of the middle eastern countries were evacuated.

While UN troops set up defenses. Number of both land, air and sea UN troops are 750,000. Versus 1.7 million Grimm. Even 235th Papa Company was sent to the frontlines. The 250 Marines in 235th Papa Company are now considered veterans when combating Grimm as they have the most experience fighting them. To them, this was the biggest fight of their lives.

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