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The UN troops who were guarding Salem's transport were in shock as they witnessed the explosion of the C-130 plane. They quickly reported the incident to their superiors and an emergency meeting was held. It was concluded that Salem had somehow managed to escape and that she was now a major threat to world peace.

Back at Beacon Academy, Ozpin was informed of Salem's escape and he knew that it was only a matter of time before she came after him. He gathered his closest allies, including the Johann Bauer, Qrow Branwen, and James Ironwood, William Cole, Ghira Belladonna, and they started to prepare for the inevitable attack.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world was in chaos as remnants of the Atlas military continued its war against the UN and its allies. Vacuo, White Fang, Menagerie and Vale joined forces to aid the UN, while Mistral remained neutral. The battles were fierce and there were many casualties on both sides.

As for Salem, she was making her way towards Beacon Academy, using her powers to manipulate Grimm to aid her. She knew that she would have to face Ozpin and his allies, but she was confident in her abilities. The final battle was drawing near, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

As Salem walked calmly she spotted a US marine alone in a open grass area planting something.

Salem smiled thinking he's an easy target. As she and the Grimm with walk silently towards him. She didn't see the warning sign that reads, 'DANGER! LIVE MINEFIELD AHEAD!'

The US Marine was none other than Andrew Towson planting Bouncing Betties. He was very careful and made sure to place warning signs in the area.

"Hello there, American Marine." Salem called out to him not only making him jump in fright, but shock to see her here.

Before Salem and her Grimm can get to him. Salem's foot hits something. Then said something was the Bouncing Betty shocking her as it came out the ground and it's in front of face. And both her and the Grimm with blew up.

Andrew meanwhile chuckled a bit and grabbed his M4A1 Assault Rifle and moved careful to a defeated Salem.

She then opens her eyes and see the barrel of Andrew's weapon. "Do you surrender now?" He said to her, as she just sighs in defeat. "Yes......I.....surrender..." Salem said tiredly and defeated.

Andrew was surprised to hear Salem's surrender, but he cautiously approached her before calling for backup. Within a few minutes, a group of UN Marines and White Fang arrived on the scene and apprehended Salem. She was taken to a highly secure location for interrogation.

During the interrogation, Salem divulge any information about her plans or her allies. The intelligence team was able to extract some useful information from her. They discovered that Salem had been in contact with some high-ranking officials in Atlas and had been planning to use their military strength to attack the United States.

The information was immediately relayed to the UN and the world leaders were able to prevent the attack on the US. Salem was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of even a parole. The world breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the threat of Salem and her nefarious plans had finally been neutralized.

Five weeks later, Atlas announces it's surrender. With the UN and its allies victorious. The UN decided to occupy both the Kingdom of Atlas and the city of Mantle with military troops.

In a hospital in Washington DC, we see Jie Ling Towson giving birth to three children.

Anthony Towson who now has a scar on his right making his former Dark Brown eye pale white like his left one and three claw scars on his face. Holds the oldest of the three children while Jie holds the other two.

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